Jeremy crosses his arms, something that we both often do, like real twins. "I'm with Elena on this one," he says. I almost fall on the floor. "You what?!"

Jeremy walks towards me. "Please just listen to her and stay away from Damon," he says strictly. Now it's my time to cross my arms. "So first nobody tells me a single thing about him and now everyone wants me to stay away from him? Why?" I ask.

"There's a reason why we didn't tell you about him," Jeremy says. "Which is?" "I... I can't tell you. Just trust us," he says.

I shake my head and walk away from him. "Just stop telling me to trust you! Just tell me what's going on!" I say, going crazy. Jeremy walks towards me again. "Abby, calm down. It's nothing," he says.

I look at him, "if it's nothing, why do you want to be so sure I'll stay away from him? Not that I ever intended to hang out with him or something! But you actually make me curious what would happen if I do."

The look on Jeremy's face changes. He is actually scared... "What?" I ask calm and scared. "He is a dick who did horrible things to people," he finally says. It's not the complete truth, I figured, but it's more than nothing.

"Please explain to me," I beg him. Maybe if I beg him, he would tell me what I want to know.

Jeremy sighs, "okay." He takes a seat on my bed and waits for me to join him, which I do. I am way to curious about the story he is about to tell me.

"Damon hasn't been a real sweetheart since he's been here," he starts, "that's why we want to protect you from him." I get impatient, "just tell me, Jer."

Jeremy sighs again and nods. "Fine. Damon has hurt people, like he actually abused them..." he says. I am shocked, but I feel like he's not telling me everything. "What did he do? Who did he hurt?" I ask. "Do you remember Vicki?" he asks. Like that's a real question! Of course I know her! She is Matt's little sister. I know Jeremy had a crush on her for ages.

I remember he begged Matt to bring her over when Matt came to hang out with Elena. I liked her too, so we mostly hang out with the three of us, but Jeremy was completely into her. I even caught them kissing once... On Jeremy's bed... Half-naked... Jeremy made me swear not to tell anyone, so I never told anyone.

"Of course I remember Vicki" I tell Jeremy. "Damon abused her... It was so bad, that she left town..." he tells me. I get scared. I know Vicki was a real badass. She smoked weed and did drugs... And now Damon abused her?

I stay quiet for a moment. "So, that's why Elena and I don't want you near him," Jeremy says. I nod, but stay quiet.

A million thoughts are running through my head. I've known Damon for... what? A few minutes? And he seemed pretty normal to me. Sure, he has that dangerous fibe, but I didn't think he would be capable of something this big...

"So, Vicki just left town? She just ran?" I ask him. Jeremy nods, but stays quiet. "Why did nobody tell me?" I finally ask him.

Jeremy looks confused, "we told you she ran away, didn't we?" "You told me she wasn't home and she wouldn't be home for a while. You never told me why or that she ran away," I tell him.

Jeremy looks at his hands, "yeah, sorry about that. We just thought it wouldn't be smart to tell you over the phone." I smile, "still, you could tell me she ran away from home. I could've handled that. It's not like she's dead."

When he looks at me again, he has some sort of fear in his eyes that I don't understand. But then he smiles at me with a warm smile. "You're right. I'm sorry we didn't tell you," he says.

I smile back at him, "it's okay. At least you told me now. It seemed like Elena didn't want me to know the truth about Damon."

"I did want to," Elena walks into my room, "I just didn't know how." I smile at her, "that's okay. I understand why you were so worried. But I don't understand why Stefan asked him in the first place."

"I don't either. I think somewhere inside of him he believes that Damon is a good person," Elena says. "Well, he's not," Jeremy says.

I stand up, "let's make a pact." Jeremy starts to laugh, "a pact?" "Yes," I say completely serious, "no more secrets between the Gilbert-siblings."

Elena and Jeremy look kind of scared to each other. "What? It isn't that crazy, is it?" I ask them. Elena smiles, "no it isn't. I'm in!" We both look at Jeremy. "Come on, Jer!" I say encouraging, "no more secrets between us from now on."

"Well..." Jeremy starts, but Elena won't let him finish, "come on, Jer!" Jeremy looks at her with panic in his eyes, or at least what looks like panic. "Where are you so afraid of?" I ask him. "Well..." he starts again, but again Elena stops him, "Jer!" Then he sighs, "I am just not looking forward of telling you all these romantic stuff."

I start to laugh, "okay, no more secrets, but we will not share all the romantic details with each other. Deal?" "Deal," Elena says. "So, no romantic stuff, okay?" Jeremy asks. "Are you sure? Don't you wanna hear how hot Stefan was last night?" I joke, "because I do!" "Yeah, please tell us everything you did to him last night, Elena," Jeremy laughs.

"The 'no romantic-rule' starts now!" Elena laughs. Jeremy and I join her. "Deal," I laugh. "Deal," Jeremy says and we shake hands. "But seriously, how hot was Stefan last night?" I ask Elena. "Abby!" Elena laughs. "I heard he was goooood," Jeremy says dramaticly. "Stop it!" Elena laughs and runs out of my room. Leaving Jeremy and me bursting into laughter.

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