My grandpa parks the car right in front of the house. I can see Elena's car and Jenna's car. They're home... I mean, why wouldn't they be? We've been looking forward to this day for weeks now!

As soon as I get out of the car, the front door opens. When I see him standing in the door opening, I feel my eyes water. "Abby!" he calls and he starts running towards me. Without thinking I run. I run as fast as I can into his arms. As soon as our bodies collide, he wraps his arms around me and I do the same to him. I hold him as tight as I can, not ever wanting to let go.

"I missed you so much," he whispers. I start crying. "I missed you too, Jer. So much!". I feel his shoulders shock and I hear he starts crying as well. "Don't you dare ever leave us this long ever again," he says. I smile through my tears. "I won't."

"Abby!" I let go of Jeremy and look up to see Elena running towards me. I open my arms for her and hug her as soon as she is close to me. I immediately hear her cry. "It's been way to long," she cries. I agree, but my tears won't let me answer her.

"Are you ever gonna let go and let her actually go inside?" I hear the sweet voice of Jenna say after I don't know how long. Elena and I chuckle and let each other go. When I turn around I see the warm smile along with her beautiful brown eyes of Jenna. I immediately hug her and I feel she hugs me back.

"I can't believe you're back," she says and I can hear she tries to hold back the tears. "Me too," I say. I close my eyes to live in the moment, what only makes me cry even more. "I am so proud of you" Jenna says.

I let Jenna go to look her in the eyes. "Thank you," I say, "that means so much to me". Jenna smiles, "let's go inside, shall we?" I smile and nod, "yes please." "Are you coming as well?" Elena asks our grandparents. My grandmother smiles warmly, "yes, of course!"

We all walk towards the house. I take a moment to take a look at it, since I couldn't do that for a long time. Jeremy puts his arm around my shoulders. "It wasn't the same without you" he says. My smile grows big, but I don't know what to say. I want to thank him for saying it, I want to apologize for all the horrible things I did, I want to tell him how much I missed him, again.

Jeremy smiles and nods, like he knows what I am thinking. "Let's just get inside" he says. "Good idea" I say and we get inside the house together. His arm stays around my shoulders and I really hope he keeps it there. I missed my brother so much, I don't wanna let him go now.

When we get into the living room, everything looks the same. It almost feels like I never left. Nothing has changed. Except for the amount of people who are in it. My grandparents took a seat at the sofa, Jenna and Elena are in the kitchen making tea and coffee, I assume, and two guys I don't recognize are sitting in the fancy chairs.

They both stand up when I arrive and smile at me. "Hi, you must be Abby" one of the two guys say. He has green eyes and - may I say - beautiful brown hair. His smile is warm, what makes me feel a lot less uncomfortable than you'd think. I don't have to think long to realize he must be Stefan, Elena's boyfriend.

"You must be Stefan" I smile and shake his hand. He laughs, "yes, I guess she told you about me." I nod, "she did. And I guess she told you about me as well?" Stefan nods as well, "she did." We smile kindly to each other and I take a moment to take a look at him. He is wearing black boots, black pants, a gray shirt and a black vest. I can't help but notice the huge ring around his finger. It looks like a ring with a blue stone on it, even bigger than my thumbnail. "Nice ring" I say. Stefan takes a look at it himself and smiles, "thanks". I can't help but notice the weird look on Jeremy's face, but he doesn't say anything.

Stefan takes a seat again. The other guy walks towards me. He is a lot older than Stefan. I think he is even a bit older than Jenna. He has brown hair - not as brown as Stefan's - and brown eyes. The smile on his face is kind and gives me a warm, kind of safe feeling. "Hi, I am Alaric" He says. I smile and shake his hand, "Abby".

Alaric is wearing black boots, grey pants, a black shirt and a denim jacket. I am kind of confused when I see a ring around his finger as well. "Does everyone here wears a ring like that now?" I joke. Everyone laughs, but for some reason it doesn't sound right. "I guess it's a thing now" Jeremy laughs.

Then I see a ring on his finger as well. How did I not notice that? "Where did you get that?" I ask him. The ring looks a lot like Alaric's. "It was our dads" Jeremy says. I smile, "how great that you found it! I guess he wanted to give it to you".

Jenna and Elena walk in. "He did," Jenna says, "he wanted to give it to Jer on your 18th birthday". I smile and grab Jeremy's hand. "It looks good on you" I tell him. "You think? I think it looks ridiculous!" Alaric jokes. "You're one to talk" Jenna laughs and we all join her.

When Jeremy starts telling a story, I take a moment to enjoy the moment. I look around the room and notice all the smiling faces. I can't believe I am here, really. Am I actually standing in my house again? With Jer, Elena, Jenna, Alaric and Stefan? Is this really happening? I am scared that this is all a dream. That I'll wake up in my bed in my room at my grandparents' house...

But I don't. I don't wake up. This is real! I did it! After all these hard months, I did it! I got my shit together and went back home. Back to my old life, back to my family and back to my friends. Something that was so hard to imagine a few months ago, is happening right now! I am back home and I am here to stay!

You Are Worth Saving {COMPLETED ✔️}Where stories live. Discover now