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I was asked by @volcanaddie to add another chapter about Rowaelin and I wasn't going to do it at first, but then I got bored and thought why not. So here it is.

Third Person

Every culture has its own religion and many of the beliefs revolve upon what happens to a person's soul once they have left us, moved on one could say, and in a story filled with magic anything is possible...

The wooden beams creaked underneath her feet as Aelin walked slowly towards her destination. What she had been waiting for her whole life and now in death she has found. His silver hair glistened in the grey light. There was no sun or moon here, just the grey swallowing the souls that come to it.

He sat at the edge of the dock, his feet hanging off the edge towards the water below. His head turned towards the girl standing at the other end and the forest in his eyes warmed, lit up to the world.

Aelin froze for a moment as she stared at the face she had missed so dearly. Her heart started to pound within her chest as she continued towards him, not even feeling the weight of her body. Aelin reached the edge of the dock and sat down next to him, his warmth sparking the fire within her.

Her head rested upon his shoulder and the two smiled at the water before them knowing that their hearts were finally at peace.

"I love you, Buzzard," she whispered missing the words, "don't ever leave me again."

"Not if the world was falling apart. I love you, Fireheart," he mumbled back into her hair. The couple's hearts sang in unison with each other, together as one. 

Day And Night (Throne of Glass high school)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora