Chapter 11

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 For anyone suffering the pains of depression, of life.

Random Persons POV

My husband's dead, my brother hates me,  my parents don't love me, I have no friends,  my life is meaningless. Painful and meaningless. I stand on top of the building, eyes looking out towards the city that never cared for me.  One step and I can end it all.  One step and the pain will disappear. I take a deep breath and spreed my arms out.  I open my eyes and take one last look at the streets I once called home. No one even notices me.  I see a beautiful girl with long blonde hair and lovely skin so much better than mine. She looks at me, I can tell even from this height she is shocked. Oh no,  I better go now before she calls the police and they force me to stop.  But she didn't, she did the opposite of what I expected.  Her strides are long as she runs into the building. I want to jump so badly, to feel the wind between my fingers but curiosity gets the better of me.  So I just stand there upon the narrow ledge. A few minutes later the young girl appears, even more beautiful up close, just seeing that makes me want to end it even more.

"Don't do it!" She shouts at me. "It's not worth it."

"Yes, it is." I reply. Voice hollow and dull.

"Dieing is never the answer. If you go all those who love you will just end up in the same pain that you are in at this moment. Do you want that?" She asks.

"No one loves me."

"That isn't true."

"It is. "

The girl shakes her head. "No it isn't, by believing it's true all your doing is making it easier for you to leave them. If you believed they love you,  which they do, you would never jump. If you can feel after you die, all you would feel is remorse. Don't blind yourself with what is false and let your vision see the truth. See what this would be like from their eyes. Don't do it, be selfless and don't jump for them. Your family, your friends. Just live another day. Tell yourself I will not be afraid, and you won't. Tell youself everything is fine because that's the truth."

I have never heard such an aspiring speach my whole life. Her voice is young but one of a Queen leading her people. A voice that makes me realise who I am. What I've achieved. 

My feet step off the ledge. "Thank you, thank you," I whisper. 

"Just remember that your life isn't a movie, so don't end it. Your skin is not paper, so don't cut it. And your body is not a book, so don't judge it."

"Thank you, your so kind and sweet. I wish there was more people in the world like you." She smiles at me, telling me its ok to leave so I do. I hear her mumble something behind me but I can't quiet understand what. I take a deep breath and walk back into the building. Life is finally smiling at me.

Aelin POV

The young women turns and walks away.

 I whisper a few words beneath my breath..."no you don't." I close my eyes and wish for a better world.

Quote: "Everyone dies alone. Whether you are a king on a battlefield or a lowly peasent lying in bed among your family, no one can accompany you into the void."

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