Chapter 41

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"No one move. Hands where I can see them!"

Immediately my hands flew up in response to the officer's demand.

"Now, can someone explain what is happening?" Another police officer said next to the brute of a man. She was a lot calmer compared to her work partner.

"They attacked me," Kate said in a panic. Oh this is going to be bad.

"Who?" The female asked for confirmation.

"The girl with the silver hair, and her friends," she said pointing. So much for friends trusting and helping each other. Though I guess she had a reason.

"Everyone turn around and put your hands behind you," the man demanded. The lady then whispered something to him which was impossible for me to decipher. He replied and they had a quiet conversation between one another. Making sure we could not hear, although I have a feeling Manon could.

"You are from now on under arrest until this situation has been sorted out and the facts have been uncovered to see if you are guilty or innocent of assaulting this young lady," the women announced.

The two walked towards us and chained our hands together. An act that we decided not to rebuttal against. I hoped Aelin was having better luck than we are for whatever it was she left to do.

" just let them take you?" Aelin asked slightly surprised after I was finished telling her how we got here.

"Well, yeah. By the looks of things you did to," Irene pointed out.

"I had to buy my friend time so that he could get away. Also, I kind of deserved it," she reasoned.

"What did you do exactly?" Chaol asked

"Wouldn't you like to know," she replied with a smirk.

A brief moment of silence past where we just listened to what was going on all around us. I can tell whatever she did caused something big for the police to deal with.

"So, how are we going to get out of here?" Manon said finally speaking since we got captured.

"Legally," Aelin replied.

"Um...what?" Chaol said shocked at her response.

"We have done enough here. We leave legally and without trouble then that means we don't have to worry about this place ever again once we go back home," she answered.

"I'm in," Yrene contributed.

"Same," I added.

"Sure," Chaol spoke.

"Why not," Manon said with an eye roll.

"How?" I asked.

"Well...let me do that," Aelin said with confidence from behind the bars next to us.

"Officer!" She then shouted at the top of her lungs. Completely catching me of guard and making me jump against the cold stone bench that I was sitting on.

It didn't take long before there was a person wearing a navy uniform in front of us.

"What?" he said impolitely, his posture replicating the boredom in his voice.

"If I am correct, these people over there can be bailed out?" She asked.

"Yes, for a certain amount. But yes, though it has to be by someone not in a prison cell," he told Aelin.

"Ok, then I want my phone call," she demanded. Who was she going to call? The only people with phones that would actually help us are in this facility.

"Then come with me." The officer unlocked the cell door and dragged the assassin out for her phone call. The two disappeared around a corner.

"What do you think she is up to?" I asked the group around me.

"No idea," Yrene replied.

"Hopefully something to get us out of this dump," Manon answered.

I turn my attention back to Aelin who was being escorted back into her cell.

"Now we have to wait," she told us once the guard had exited the room.

"For what?" I wondered.

"For Nox. He will get your asses out. Then you can go home and all will be fine," she replied.

Oh, right. Nox was also here just in case we needed anything from back home. That was how I got Fleetfoot here. Wait...Fleetfoot. I hope she is alright. We haven't been gone for too long.

"What about you?" Yrene asked curiously with a slight bit of worry.

Hold on...she didn't say anything about herself getting out.

"I will go to court, be found guilty. Then be sent to jail for a decade or so. Once I'm out you I'll send a note and you guys can come and get me," she said certain of her plan.

"No," Chaol replied sternly.

"I am not breaking out. I will pay for what I have done," she stated, "It's not like I've never been to prison before."

"You can't do this," I told her.

"Yes, I can," Aelin took a deep breath changing her voice to be more sympathetic. "Look after Terrasen for me. Tell them I will come back one day."

Our gaze was brought towards the policeman walking over to our jail cell. He took out his rattling keys and unlocked our cell door gesturing for us to leave.

"You've been bailed out. Come with me to collect your belongings," he said gruffly.

No...that means Nox is here. That we will go home...without the Queen.

"Goodbye," Aelin said to us. I looked over to her.

Over to how much she has changed since we first met each other. From when she was just a sassy assassin how only did what benefited her to a women who would sacrifice herself for other in a heartbeat.

"How ironic is it that we met in a prison, and now we're to say goodbye to another in prison?" I muttered.

"I guess so," she gently replied.

"Bye..." I sorrily said, for the first time in ages I was worried about her and what her fate would end like.


She smiled genuinely at me and I never got to smile back before being yanked away to my future without my friend.

Just letting people know that I am trying to finish this story soon-ish. I have no idea when though but I'm trying to. Also once I am finish I may go back and edit it to make it less shit if that is possible...tbh I will probably end up making it worse knowing me.

Quote: "Never say goodbye. If you don't say goodbye, then you aren't really gone, you just, aren't here right now."

P.S If you know where that quote is from consider us friends.

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