Chapter 19

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Monday 3/4

"So, what are you wearing for swimmers?" Kate asks me. If I could, it would be a bikini but...scars. I think back to Saturday, trying to navigate my way through those confusing shops. There is so much stuff, we need a shop like that in Erilea ASAP. It had everything!

"A one piece with a long sleeve rashie and shorts," that should cover most of it...hopefully.

"Girl, you need to let yourself lose. I can give you a lilac Bikini tomorrow?" Kate asks. I shake my head.

"I'm good," I reply.


"Leave her alone," Samantha interrupts. Kate pouts before turning and talking to Max. I look down to my chicken sandwich and continue to eat it, the bread dry in my mouth. The others have finished their lunch, I guess I'm a slow eater.

I glance at all my friends enjoying the break. Next two periods with have the swimming program for the first time. The only times I've swam was with weapons strapped to me or as a training exercise with Arobynn. A shudder goes through me at the thought of his name, those days were painful.

"Umm...Celaena, where did you get those scars from?" Samantha asks. I couldn't put foundation on today because of the water so the scars on my arms, wrists and hand are more visible. 

"Well this one," I point to the mark on my right hand, "was when my cousin Aedion, closed the car door on my hand."

"Ouch," Sam cringes. I smile at him.

"These ones is when I was playing a game with Aedion where we had to escape these rope handcuffs. My skin cut trying to escape," I explain, making it up on the spot. "And the ones on my arms are just from time," I can not be bothered to make stories for each individual one.

"Oh, ok. Seems like this Aedion has a problem with accidentally hurting you," Jake says. I chuckle.

"Yes it does. Though to be honest most of the time it was my fault, I did want to play the game and-" my voice was cut off by the bell ringing. 

"Come on. We have to go to the gym," Kale says. We walk at moderate pace towards the gym, Kate was going on about how much fun we will have, her voice ringing in my ears.

"Ok, everyone get into groups of ten!" The head of P.E. shouts.

"Group?" Samantha asks.

"Yep," Max says. I quickly do a head count: Kate, Me, Kale, Dorian, Manon, Samantha, Max, Sam and Jake...that's only nine.

"We've got nine, not ten," I say.

"Eh, we'll get away with it," Jake says and shrugs. A teacher comes around carrying a clipboard with the grades names on it. She didn't even bother counting the amount of people in our group when she came over.

"Names," she says blankly.

"Dorian Havilliard, Kale Westfall, Irene Towers, Manon Blackbeak and Celaena Galathynius," I say, I don't know the others last names.

"Samantha Nemoslyn, Kate Middleton, Sam Brown, Maxwell Jones and Jake Calaventra," Samantha says for me.

The teacher marks our names off with her black pen then leaves after telling us that we are group 26.

The teachers organized the busses so that group 1-10 go on the first bus, and so on. We get on to our dedicated bus and start the drive to the swimming pools. Only five minutes after we left a sound hurles into my ears, the students on the bus start to sing/scream a song. Kate, Samantha, Jake, Max and Sam all join in, I feel like I'm in the middle of an earthquake.

"OOOOHH,  WE'RE HALF WAY THERE. OOH OOH LIVING ON A PRAYER. TAKE MY HAND, WE'LL MAKE IT I SWEAR. OOH OHH LIVING ONE A PRAYER!" they sing, I don't know the lyrics so I hum to the tune. This is going to be one long bus ride.

Quote: "That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt."

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