Chapter 34

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I was not ready for the math test.

"That was not as hard as I expected," Jake said truthfully.

"Are you mad?" I asked rhetorically, "That was the hardest thing I have ever done." Jake had the nerve to laugh at my reaction. Rude.

"It was only like three pages long, and there was only one question that I had to actually think to do," he explains.

"I didn't even finish the three pages," I mumbled. It's not my fault I was never educated in this sort of stuff.

"Wow," Jake replied shaking his head. In any other situation I would of punched in the arm, lightly of course. But I could barely move my arms so...

"I could barely wright," I said in defense.

"Stop with the excuses," he replied. I scowled at him and didn't say anything else. I saw our friend group sitting on the usual bench.

Immediately, Kale and Dorian had a look of anger and shame on their faces when they saw me. So I decided to smile at their reactions.

"Do we still have that swimming thing?" I wondered.

"They cancelled it today, because of what happened yesterday. Though it will be back on tomorrow," Max informed me. I nodded gladly. I didn't bring my swimmers.

"We should get together after school," Kate suggested.

"Yeah," I replied enthusiastically, "we could all go to my house."

"Is your house clean?" Kale said suspiciously. Though his voice seemed to say, "is there blood anywhere?"

"Yep," I replied. Well, at least the downstairs is.

"Ok, then it's settled. We're going to your house," Kate announced.

"I can't go, my family are doing something tonight and I have to go," Max said.

"I just have to ask my parents," Sam said.

"Same," Jake and Samantha said at the same time.

"Meet here after school," I told them. The group nodded and the bell rang. I scanned my memory of what class I had.

A groan escapes my lips when I realized that it was science.

- - - - - that afternoon - - - - -

I unlocked the door to my house and walked inside, hearing the footsteps of those who followed behind me.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked the guests.

"Food," Jake replied. I rolled my eyes.

"Any other suggestions?" I questioned.

"Chips," Sam said. I nodded my head and went into the kitchen.

"Ah!" I heard a girl shout from the living room, "get it away!"

My eyebrows scrunch in confusion. Pleas don't tell me I forgot to clean a room. I quickly walked to where the noise was coming from and saw Kate hiding in a corner. Everyone else was gathered around a ball of golden fluff.

"Fleetfoot," I muttered and walked back to the kitchen, not worrying about it.

When I came back to the living room, carrying two bowls with chips. Everyone had settled down and was sitting on the couch or on the carpet.

"Food!" Samantha yelled and ran at me. Soon there was a competition of who could get to me the fastest between Samantha, Jake and Sam.

I sighed at their childish behaviors and put the bowls on the coffee table. In a matter of seconds they were taken by Samantha and Jake, leaving a very depressed Sam.

"Share," I ordered the two with the bowls in their laps.

"Fine," Samantha reluctantly said. Kate slowly walked over to us, making sure she stayed at least two meters away from Fleetfoot.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" I asked.

"Play a game?" Dorian said unsure.

"Ok," I replied.

"What game?" Kale wondered.

"Truth, dare or double dare, one of the only games we can do," Samantha suggested.

"Sure," I answered.

"Why not," Manon said, not really interested. I guess that's what happens when you're 500 years old. Games aren't very intriguing.

"Irene, truth, dare or double dare?" I asked the girl sitting on her boyfriend's lap. Well actually husband, but the new guys don't know that.

"Double Dare with Kale," she said surprisingly.

"Ok, I dare Kale to carry you whilst you scream banana chilies running outside along the footpath," I said cruelly.

"Ok," Kale shrugged. The two got up and we all headed outside. I took out my phone thing and got prepared to video.

"Where do I run to?" Kale wondered once he got Irene on his back.

"Four houses down and then back," I confirmed for him. I started the video thinking that Lysandra and Aedion would love to see this when we get back. I wonder how they are doing taking care of the kingdoms? I'm sure they're fine.

Kale started to jog and Irene yelled at the top of her lungs, "BANANA CHILIES," over and over. 

Kale wasn't the slightest bit out of breath when they came back. We couldn't be bothered to go back inside so we all sat down in a circle on the grass.

"Sam, truth, dare or double dare," Irene asked him.

"Truth," he replied.

"Do you like someone?" she asked.

"No," the teenager replied and turned to Kate, "truth, dare or double dare?"

"Dare," she said, not wanting to back down.

"I dare you to knock on the neighbors door and ask to use their bathroom. If they say yes you have to go to the toilet," Sam explained to her.

"What kind of dare is that?" Kate replied astonished.

"The one you have to do," Sam told her. Kate whined and stood up. We watched her cross the road avoiding any passing traffic.

A women answered the door and I could see Kate's embarrassment from here. The lady let her in, and a few minutes late Kate came back out. She awkwardly crossed the road and sat down.

"I am never doing that again. Never," she told us. Samantha busted into laughter and Kate gave her a death glare.

"You know what we should do?" Jake announced.

"What?" Dorian wondered.

"Play hide and seek," he said.

"What's that?" I asked.

Jake looked at me as if I were from outer space.

Quote: "You fall in love more than once."

Day And Night (Throne of Glass high school)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin