Chapter 4

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"Come with me." Samantha says. I follow her into the schoolyard. A breeze pushes past me, and I felt like breaking down. My name is Aelin Galathynius, and I will not be afraid. I repeat those words over, and over again in my head. I spot Irene in the corner of my eye and turn towards her, standing next to her is Kale and Dorian.

"My friends are over there." I say and turn to leave Samantha.

"Tell them to come over," Samantha replies, "I want to meet them, and I want you to meet my friends." I think about it. 

"Ok. Come." Me and Samantha walk over to Dorian and Kale. "Where's Manon?" 

"Bathroom." Kale replies.

"Ok. Oh yeah, Samantha, Irene, Kale and Dorian. Irene, Kale and Dorian,Samantha." they shake hands and say hello, "we are going to sit with Samantha's group today." My voice a bit demanding. The others nod and we head towards a table with four kids sitting on it

"Who's this?" A black haired boy with tanned skin and olive eyes says. 

"Guys, this is Celaena, Irene,Kale and Dorian. They are new here."

"Hey, I am Kate," They girl with blonde hair and blue eyes says. 

"Max." The black haired boy says.

"Jake." Says a boy with light brown hair and stormy grey eyes.

The boy who looks like someone familiar, with his brown hair and brown eyes speaks last."Sam," I gasp for air. Sam Cortland, that is who this boy looks like, a replica image of him. I tear my eyes away from him, unable to look. My heart beat pattern becomes ragged, and fast. I want to scream, shout, do something to let the emotions fly. So I do, I punch the person closest to me, hard. 

Kale gets thrown to the floor as I release my emotions. 

"What the fuck Celaena?!" He shouts at me, I block out his words. Dorian helps up his friend, who seems to have a broken rip. I feel so much guilt go through me and I can't control it. Everyone is looking at me with and intense gaze, all I can do is sink my soul, my feelings even deeper. 

And that is when they go too deep. I feel my soul disappear into a pit of darkness, and I will never be able to get it back. The spirit that could never be broken, snapped in two. 


School finished for the day, thank gods. It was torturous. Irene healed Kale after I punched him, but he is still angry at me. I don't care, I don't care about anything anymore, all my hope is lost. It is as if I have turned off the human side of me. The caring side. 

I heard the door open and Manon strolled into my house. I was about to tell her to bugger off but than she spoke.

"Don't give up."

"What?" What is she talking about?

"Hope, humanity. Don't give it up." I remain quiet as I look into Manon's eyes as she speaks. "I have spent my life without feeling, and it has brought me nothing but misery. When I felt for the first time, I couldn't even find words to explain how amazing it was. To feel that care and love. Don't give it up Aelin."

"I have nothing to give up, it is already gone." I say, my voice flat and emotionless. Just like how I feel.

"Yes, you do. Each star represents hope. There are millions of stars, and therefore millions of opportunities to have hope. It's up to you whether or not you take it. "

She leaves my house, and I sit there replaying those words in my head over, and over again. And I, Aelin Galathynius stood up and opened my eyes to the world in a brand new way, one without hope.

If you have any ideas please tell me, and kingdom of ash is getting so close. Any theories??
I have a feeling that Aedion will survive and that Dorian will die. That is just my theory.

I forgot to do this for the other chapters, may or may not go back and change it.

Chapter quote," Each star represents hope. There are millions of stars, and therefore millions of opportunities to have hope. It's up to you whether or not you take it. "

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