Chapter 16

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So, missy, before we start I'd like to know a bit about ya," the man says. My cloak blends in with the misty bar. I try not to gag as smells of alcohol and smoke floods my nose. A

"Likewise," I reply, my eyes drifting to his drink on the bar bench.

"Ok, ma name's John and that's about all ya need to know." I shrug. At least I got a name. That's good enough for me.

"Aelin Sardothien," I say.

"Interesting, and where ya from exactly?" John says in his thick accent.

"Greece, though I move around a lot." He nods his head.

"Ok, now normally we start training people from a younger age, but you're already trained, right?" I nod my head.

"Hmm...there's a fight on tonight. Any contester verses the current champion. If ya can beat him, you're in, if not, you'll be training with tha littlies." I smirk, this should be easy.

"What time?"

"Now." He gets up on the bar stool and leads me towards a door at in the back of the bar and unlocks it using a key. It opens into a room that like the rest of the bar, uses the dark wood. Around the outside are wooden seats in the middle a ring.

"Wait here," John says before walking off. I start to analyze my fighting space. The shape is an exact square with ropes around the edges, with a thin mat at the bottom. Thin means more pain. After a few more minutes John comes back, along with a group of people. I have an audience. Interesting.

"Everyone, shut it!" John shouts. The room immediately becomes dead silent.

"Tonight our champion will be versing a new contestant." John pauses. "Aelin Sardothien!" He shouts. I saunter into the ring. As soon as everyone looks at me they start to laugh, but that will stop in a moment. "Verses THOMAS EVANS!" The crowd starts cheering at his name. I roll my eyes. Typical. A man comes out onto the ring, his torso and arms big and muscular. His legs like tree trunks. But he is definitely slow.

"Ok, one rule, ya fight until the person's knocked out. No killing!" John screams at us. "Fight!"

The brute of of a man charges at me. I easily evade to the side and punch him in the gut, fast and hard. The man squeals as multiple rips break under my fist. He swings a right arm hook at me, but I'm already moving. My legs slide under him. His body falls to the ground with a loud bang, shaking the floor like an earthquake.

He attempts to get up again, but in one swift blow, his eyes close, leaving him unconscious. The crowds fall silent, confused. I smirk, my feet silent as I saunter out of the ring.

"Good enough?" I ask John.

"Umm, yeah." His voice is detached, lost in thought. John's cough echoes through the old room. "...Actually, I have this guy who's been trying for weeks to kill this other guy. And the other guy needs to be dead by tonight, but the guy I hired ain't gonna be able to do it. Ya wanna?" I smirk.

"Of course," I say.

He smiles at me and sticks out his hand. "Deal. But first I want ya to meet David." I shake his hand and follow closely behind him as we walk back into the bar area. "Aelin, David." He says pointing to a guy with blue eyes and light brown hair. His build is strong but skinny. David's medium height, maybe a bit over average.

"Who's this?" David says, obviously American with his accent rolling off his tongue.

"The person who's taking your job," I say before smiling at him.

"What?!" he shouts, outraged. The tanned skin on his face becomes wrinkled. His lightning blue eyes widen."John, you have to be kidding me!"

"No, I'm not. She has all the skills needed and the guy was supposed to be dead by tonight."

"Just one more week," David begs.

"No, tell Aelin all the information ya have gathered over the past month and she'll have him dead by tonight. Also, it's a great test to see how good she is." John says. Oh, he will see how good I am. "Off ya go. I want a body in the headlines tomorrow on all the newspapers." He walks away, leaving me with David.

"You probably never killed a man before, and now I'm out of a job," he grumbles. I start to laugh.

"Oh, you have no idea." His face turns to confusion. "Now tell me who I have to kill."

"Oh, you're in for a surprise. You have to assassinate the president of the United States of America. Donald Trump." I feel shock run through my veins, not letting my face show it.

"When can I start?"

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