Chapter 8-Party Part 2

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When I write a lot of words in italic it means it's a flasback.

The stars, the feelings, the memories. My mind drifts off and goes back in time. To a time I never want to remember.

No, no, no, no, No! 

I look up and see the constellation of the great white stag blurred with my tears. I can feel a hollow emptiness inside of me that I have never felt before. A burden being placed upon my shoulders, heavier than the planet that my feet lay on. The planet that my motionless husband rests on.

I drop to my knees and curl myself into a ball. Pain is a feeling I am used to but this, this is different, this will leave emotional scars.

I look at his corpse for a second before tearing my eyes away. I can not bare to see him like this. To see him without the warmth and protection that seems to run from him like a waterfall. Though I still wrap my arms over his body. I will not leave him. I will not go anywhere without his strong arms guiding me through it. 

I hear the clanging of swords in the background as I hold on to Rowan with the little hope still left in my soul. Two word repeating in my head.

He's gone.

He's gone.


I hear a hoarse scream erupt from my throat, full of the worst emotions. 

My body collapses to my knees on the hard ground.Everything is silent. Everyone is quiet.

Chapter Qoute: Pain is a feeling I am used to but this, this is different, this will leave emotional scars.

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