Chapter 10

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Back to Aelin's POV

I can feel it straining against my veins. The power. The fire. I've kept it leashed until now,. I can't keep it in any more. The pressure is to much, so I release it. I feel my body start to glow before a shooting pain goes through me.

 Ice covers my veins, smothers my fire. It brings me back to reality. To the shocked faces around me. The terrified faces of my friends. The pain that I am in. I don't fight as the ice covers my fire completely. I just collapse to floor and cry. 

I feel  warm hands go over my back and pick me up. I faintly see Kale before I faint of dehydration. 


The bed is where I wake up. Soft, comfortable, gentle. I take a deep breath before dragging my self out of it. 

My reflection stares back at me. A broken girl whose lost hope. Lost the battle with herself. My eyes trail my scars. Foundation has proved to be useful these past weeks, but I will never be able to cover up my back. So unfortunately no backless dresses. I groan and get changed into a tank top and shorts. I rub the foundation in before grabbing my bag and car keys and heading out the door.

This is going to be a very awkward day.


It was. Throughout the whole first lesson everyone stared at me and Max kept throwing me weird looks. It got better after that...well until I had science with Ms Randoll where I fell asleep. But besides that it sorta got better.

I bang open my front door and fell onto my couch. I grab the remote and turn on the TV. I smile and pull a blanket over my body. Yes! Vampire Diaries is on! I don't hide my excitement as I squeal. 

The show went on for 40 minutes before it ended on a stupid cliffhanger. Go away cliffhangers, no one likes you!

I groan and get off the couch. I didn't notice I was hungry until my stomach started to grumble. Another side affect of Maeve and Endovier, I am used to being starved. I open my fridge door and see it almost completely empty. I grab the last piece of ham and place it on a piece of bread. I stuff it into my mouth. I need to get a job. I sit down on the dining table and got out my laptop. I couldn't be bothered to go all the way upstairs to the office where the computer is. 

Nothing. There is no jobs that are right for me. I decide on just going down the road to ask McDonald's if they want to hire someone. 

I lock my door behind me and stroll towards the fast food store. If there is one thing that I have learnt of this strange world it's that McDonald's is everywhere. No matter where you go there's one. When I get back I might make one in Terrasen. 

My feet walk up to the front counter. 

"Excuse me, do you know where I can get a job application here?" I ask, trying my best to be polite. The girl nods her head and goes away. A few minutes later another guy appears. 

"Hello, I am the manager of this place. I heard you were looking for a job?" The guy said. 


"Well, please come with me." He went out of behind the counter and sat down at a booth. I sat down on the other side of him. 

"What's your name?" He asks me.

"Celaena." He nods his head.

"Interesting. I'm Steve and as you already know, I'm the manager." I smile politely. 

"Why do you want this job?"

"To earn money so I can eat." I reply. He nods his head.

"How old are you?" 

"eighteen." Well...according to the high school.

"Ok, and last question. Do you have a criminal record." 

I flat out lie to him staring at his eyes. "No." 

He smiles at me. "Good, you can start here on Monday at 4:00pm for your training lesson." I nod my head and get up.

"Thank you very much." I then smile and leave. As soon as I'm out of view I sigh. Argh way to much politeness for one day. I walk back down the street. Only to be stopped. One thought going through my head...that could be me.


Qoute: "No hunter of the sky should end his days as prey. Better to die on the wing than pinned to the ground."

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