Chapter 3

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The front door slams open as everyone walks in. 

"Yrene and Chaol, this is going to be your house." Dorian says. He hasn't gotten used to the names yet. So we get our own houses, good.

"And this," he hands out a brown covered book to each of us, "is everything you need to know about this place." I take the book from his hand, it is only 600 pages I will read it in a night.

"Aelin, your house is to the left and Manon's and I are to the right. Everyone get some rest, school starts tomorrow." Great. I turn and exit Kale's house and walk to my. 

When I open the door I am welcomed by a vanilla sent and a circular entry room, with a circular rug in the centre. Three passages branch of in the front and sides. I decide to take the left one which leads me to the kitchen, and dinning. The dinning room has a arch doorway to the living room, which is where the front entrance of the circle leads to. From the living room there is a wide entrance, to a ballroom style stair case. 

I go up the wooden stairs and see a hallway. I walk down it and see a guest bedroom, master bedroom/my bedroom on the right, and a bathroom and study on the left. I walk into my bedroom, and lie down on the Queen size bed. I take out the book Dorian gave me and started to read. Chapter 1: A Brief History.


Hmm...first day of high school, what should I wear. My eyes scan through my walk in closet and see a dress, perfect for the occasion. I smirk,my hands reach out and feel the black fabric lace through my fingers. Perfect.

I walk downstairs, and out of the house. I go down the pathway towards everyone else.

"You are not wearing that," both Chaol, sorry Kale and Dorian say.

"Yes, I am. Would prefer my work uniform?" Dorian shakes his head than sighs realising that arguing is going to get him nowhere, he than opens the car door and gets in. I get into the passenger seat, Kale drives and Dorian, Manon and Irene in the back. We have only been here a day and I have nailed the names, damn I'm good.

Kale parks the car in front of the school, and we all get out and enter the school grounds. People stare at us as we follow the signs to the school office. I walk up to the lady at the white counter.

"Hello, we are new here and I was wondering if we could pick up our schedules?" I smile politely at her.

"All of you?" What kind of question is that? I nod my head.

"Jeese, okay I'll be right back. What are your names?"

"Celaena, Dorian, Kale, Manon and Irene." She nods her head than walks to the back of the office and into a room.

The old lady walks back out carrying pieces of paper which I assume are the schedules.

"Are you Celaena Gala-Galathin," she gives up and hands the paper, " is this your name?"


"Ok then, I got the right ones." She hands the others there schedules and we leave the office.

"What do you have?" I ask them.

"Maths, science, PE, geography, elective, English." Says Dorian..

"Same," Manon says.

"Science, English, PE, geography, maths, elective." Kale announces.

"Science, maths, elective, geography, English, PE." Irene says, wow guess I am the loner.

"English, elective, maths, geography, PE, science." I frown. " I am only with you guys for geography."

"It will be fine, we will see each other in the breaks. What are your locker numbers."

Dorian speaks first,"546."

"545," Manon says.

"547." And let me guess, Kale got 544.

"544." Says Kale.

"Shit," I look at the paper and read it out loud, "666."

"Damn, are you cursed?" Manon asks.

"Yes." The bell rings, I look at my schedule, where the fuck is E7?

I spend the first few minutes of high school aimlessly walking around try to find the stupid classroom. I walk into a corridor and pass a sign saying E6, finally I found it. I knock on the old, wooden door and open it. Inside is a women with straight shoulder length grey hair in a low pony tale with brown eyes and white skin, teaching a class of people around my age.

"Who are you?" She asks, a bit rude for my liking.

"The new kid." A few students at the back of the class snickered at me, I shot a glare in there direction which shut them up, fast.

"Well then take a seat,"

"Celaena." Just saying the name brings back so many memories of being Adarlans most feared assassin.

"Well sit down, you have already disrupted this class enough." I role my eyes and sit down on an empty seat. Every is staring at me, ether because I am new or my choice of clothing.

A boy at the back wolf whistles at me, big mistake.

"QUIET!!!!" The teacher screams. Fuck, she is loud. She continues to teach the class as if nothing had happened.

High school is so boring why did I come again? Oh yeah, because I am depressed. I walk out of the class and a girl comes up to me.

"Hey, I am Samantha. Do you need help getting to the next class?" I debate it for a second, well it is not like she can do anything to me. 

"Yeah,"she smiles.

"Ok, where is it?"


"Oh, I have the same class. Follow me," she turns left down a corridor and I follow her. "I love your dress." 


We reach the classroom and walk inside. It is my elective, so food tech. I only choose it so I could eat food, and maybe if I am lucky we many cook chocolate cake.

I sit down and the teacher begins her lesson.

Day And Night (Throne of Glass high school)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat