Chapter 37

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"Yes you did, you are a failure," A voice told me, snarling. I knew who it was without looking up because I knew that only I could hear it. The voice of my past that haunted my dreams. Her voice.

"Shut up!" I yelled not caring the others were around.

"I'm just saying the truth," Maeve's voice told me in my head, just like every night. Every moment I am weak.

"No, you're twisting the truth," I replied. I could hear her chuckle, that cold laugh that brought back memories, painful ones.

"Who are you talking to?" I could hear Manon's voice but it was distant, as if it was not there.

I felt my eyes start to drift close.

"Aelin!" Manon's voice screamed at me to stay awake, to not fall back within myself. But it was too late.

That flashback already started.

Maeve laughed as her cursed magic fired at me, aiming for my torso. I ducked just in time and fell into a roll. As soon as I stood and made a comeback as I fired my own magic. The flame sang to me as if it was anticipating the kill that was yet to come.

"Weak!" Maeve shouted at me when the attack missed. I came at her with a sword, praying that Dorian was still alive and fighting. His opponent none other than Erawan.

The two swords clashed with a loud bang. Her movements were fast, I had barely enough time to block each of them, let alone attack back.

"Miserable, bitch. If you want a better world I suggest starting by removing you," she snarled at me and I chose to ignore her words and take that slight distraction to my advantage. I aimed low, hitting precisely where I told the sword to go. Just below her knee that was exposed.

Maeve hissed at me when the metal made contact and fought with more determination. My eyes just saw metal, I knew my time would be soon. My magic was almost drained, and her attacks weren't slowing. I had to hold out, for Terrasen. Just long enough for the plan to work. For Yrene to kill the Valg Queen within the Fae body.

Though first I would need to hold Maeve down, pin her body so that she could not hurt the girl that carried an unborn child. A sudden pain ached through my body, realising that I was not able to block an attack to my thigh in time. I stumbled a bit, the battered armour took most of the damage.

With the last bit of the magic in my veins, I lit up my sword surrounding it in blue flames. Maeve was surprised and lost balance for a second. It's now or never.

I took on the offensive side of the fight, screams and shouting could be heard in the distance but I focused on my opponent, the one who tortured me for months.

All the sudden there was an explosion further across the battlefield, followed by a shattered scream that was all too familiar to my ears. The voice of a female that was broken and cracked, as if ripped in too. I glanced up and saw the last witch tower destroyed.

That was my mistake.

My body was pressed against the ground in a flash, a cold piece of metal laid against my throat.

"Say goodbye," Maeve whispered into my ear.

I smirked at her.

"It's about damn time," I replied.

Her face looked in rage and she presses the sword down drawing a bit of blood.

Then she froze.

I felt the pain of something tearing within me. Something stretching, pulling away from me. Something breaking. I tried not to scream as the pain consumed my heart. Tears started to pour from my eyes and I realised what it was.

The mating bond.

It was disappearing.

Maeve looked at me with...fear?

"I curse you Aelin. I curse you to hear my voice in the moments of weakness and tell you that you are weak," she spoke as if trying to gasp for breath. I did not think of her words, they were not important to me. Only my heart that was dangling from a thread that was going thinner and thinner.

Maeve's strength weakened and she stumbled trying to breathe. Then she faded away, as if she just disappeared to...

I realised all too late what was happening.

I sprinted and ran through the bloody grounds following the pull of my heart. Please no. This cannot be real, it's another lie she placed in my head. Despite that I continued to run, straight into a forest behind the castle.

My feet manoeuver through the ancient trees to a clearing where I spotted him. My mate standing there frozen. I rush over to him and look straight into his forest green eyes that were not where his body was.

That snap alive at seeing me.

"It was the only way, I'm sorry Fireheart," Rowan breathed out to me. His body collapsed, I tried to catch him but just fell down with him crying. The bond snapped and I screamed in pain.

Over and over.

He took my place, the mating bond allowing him to become one of the family. Of the bloodline. I should have stopped him. I should have known.

He closed the Wrydgate at the cost of his life.

My eyes opened with tears in them.

"I love you, buzzard," I whispered as if he could hear me.

I can enter this story into the Watty's but idk if i could be bothered...

Quote: "People that I thought would be with me forever are the ones that I lost. People that I thought I could never trust ended up saving my life, more than once."

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