Samantha's POV

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I walk into science and sit down in the back row next to Dory and Kit-kat.

"Why is Celaena so secretive?" I ask Dory. I can tell by her eyes that her smiles are fake. Her laughs are foreign to her face.

"She has suffered great loss." I glare at him hoping for more, but nothing comes out. With a grunt I give up and do my work on particle theory. 

The teacher (Ms Randoll) starts explaining stuff with the most boringest tone ever. And spelling every word, even if it is on the board just so we write it correctly. I end up blocking out her voice and day dream about fighting in a mythical universe with Fae and witches. 

That's when the best thought to ever exist came to my head. "We should through a party for you guys!" I shout. Forgetting I was in a classroom.

"Quiet Samantha." Ms Randoll says firmly. "As I was saying the characteristics c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s, or the features of particles, because that's what characteristics mean, are the...." I sigh and collapse my head on the table. Will the session ever end?

The teacher smiles and nods her head for the billionth time this lesson so I decide to start planning the epic party I was going to throw.

-----time skip-----a day--------

"Here you go." I say, passing a piece of paper to a person in my grade.

"How many did you print?" Kate says shocked. 

"Umm....about 150? Maybe more." Kate shakes her head at me. 

"You really are one of a kind."

"Yes I am." I chuckle and hand another notification about the party to a person.

"So... let me see that." Kate snatches a paper out of my hand. "6:00 at night? There better be food because that's when I eat dinner." 

"Don't worry, there's food." 

"Good." There is a moment of silence before Kate speaks again. "So why are you doing this?"

"For the new kids to know how it feels to be at Lockshore High School. To feel welcomed." 

"Hmm...and what's the real reason?"

I grunt, "to make Celaena lighten up. She is so grieved and uptight, she needs to relax, have fun."

Kate smiles. "I new there was another reason." A bell rings, signalling the end of lunch. 

"Well, see ya tonight."

"Yeah," I smile. "See ya." I turn and walk away, heading towards geography aka, sleep time!!!

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