Chapter 40

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I stumbled through the dark network of corridors like a bat. Quiet but almost completely blind.

I know what I have to do.

I heard voices ahead of me and slowly came to pause. My feet stopping to listen in to what was being said.

"Did you hear the news?" One of the males on guard said.

"What?" Another replied in confusion.

"You know, the whole thing with John," He explained. My curiosity overwhelmed me and I continued to listen to the conversation. Complete aware that by staying in one spot I am more likely to be caught.

"Oh yeah. That."

"So...what do you think of it?"

"I think that John's had it coming for years. He never followed the Boss's orders." I assumed that this Boss they are talking of is Calvin.

"True. Although it's kind of interesting how long the Boss let it go on for."

"Yeah...This is boring, let's clear out and go to another area," he concluded.

"Definitely," the other guy replied.

My ears trace their footsteps retreating through the darkness and I creep out of the shadows to continue my search in this desolated building.

I wonder what was happening to John. What was Calvin doing to him? I hoped that whatever it was that it wasn't because of me and what I did to Calvin.

I turned another corner in this maze and saw a flicker of light down the hallway. I must be getting close. I withdrew one of my blades as reassurance and stalked further down the path. My eye sight slowly adjusting to the new light.

My gaze caught on a silver lined, iron door, a familiar feeling was spread across my body. This is the same room I was held captive in. My hold on the blade tighten slightly in anger and pain of the memory when I was shot...twice.

I reached over and twisted the handle on the door but it wouldn't budge. Locked. That means that there is something or someone worth looking in. Despite coming here for Calvin, I was sure what was inside that room was worth my time. I had a feeling that it needed to be unlocked.

I gripped the top of the hilt on the sword so that there was just enough room. I looked on either side of me knowing that there will be guards surrounding me almost straight away once I forced the door open which means I would have to be fast.

I took a deep breath and slammed the hilt of my blade onto the door handle creating a large echo through the building. The lock budges and I dashed into the room. Voices could be now heard and were approaching fast.

A quick scan of the room caused me to gasp ever so slightly. I hurried towards the person bound to a chair by rope, just like I was. I twirled the sword in my hand and carefully cut the rope, freeing the person from their prison.

"It's a surprise to see ya here, Aelin. But thank ya none da less," John said to me, his face bruised and beaten.

"Come on, we need to go," I spoke. He nodded slightly in recognition of our situation and started to limp towards the door, myself following close behind.

I overtook John and led him away from the guards that were slowly gathering trying to work out where we went.

Once we were clear I stop and turned around needing answers.

"What are you doing here?"

"I could say the same to ya," he replied smugly.

"We do not have time for this."

Day And Night (Throne of Glass high school)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα