Chapter 36

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Her glare was deadly, strong and filled with anger.

"Pack your things, we are leaving tomorrow morning," Manon told me.

"Why leave, I love it here?" I questioned. I felt Manon's grip tighten on me.

"If one more word comes out of that mouth-" she started to threaten me.

"What would you do?" I interrupted. She won't kill me.

Manon hesitates, " never got to see a Yielding." My eyes widened in shock. She wouldn't dare to do such a thing.

"You wouldn't, not after the Thirteen," I replied trying to trigger her emotions.

"It's because of...them that I will unleash the Yielding," she snarled at me. Without thinking I rolled my eyes at her.

"Fuck it, we're leaving now. Dorian get the ship ready. Chaol and Yrene, pack anything of importance." The three nodded their heads and walked off to where they needed to be.

"Have fun leaving without me," I told them. It's so much better here, no one knows me or my heritage. No responsibilities.

"Ok, but I must say Terrasen will be disappointed," she told me casually, my back still pressed against the wall.

"I don't care about Terrasen anymore," I said solemnly.

"Can you even hear the words coming out of your mouth!" Manon yelled at my face.

"I lost everything there. Everyone that I wanted to share the kingdom with is gone!" I fired back.

"Well, guess what Aelin. You're not the only one who lost everything," Manon hissed, " the war took whatever it wanted from all of us. Dorian lost his father and kingdom is nothing but ruble. Chaol lost the ability to walk and now his life is tied to his wife's and child's. Fenrys lost his brother and best friend. Aedion lost his father that he only just reunited with. Lysandra was forced into prostitution and then had to pretend to be you and take on the burden of taking care of a whole kingdom with no experience. Elide can not walk probably and may never do so again because she was untreated for so long. Lorcan lost his friend even if he is to stubborn to admit it. And I...I lost my family. One hundred years and then they were gone. My cousins and friends. So sorry if we can't deal with anymore of your sulking."

I couldn't speak. I know she's right but I could not stand it.

"Sam Cortland, Nehemia Ytger, my parents, Marion Lochan, Kaltain Rompier,  Elena Galathynius Havilliard and Rowan Whitethorn Galathynius," I told her, tears brimming my eyes, "a few of the people I've lost. As well as the year and 3 months of torture I've had to endure."

"And each of those people wanted you to fight. To not be afraid," Manon replied.

I don't reply. She is right, somewhere in my mind I can tell that she is right. That I have disappointed everyone that died for me. My body slide down the wall of the house and fell to the floor.

I disappointed him.

I was supposed to rule and move one, just like he said...but I didn't.

"I failed everyone," I whispered.

Quote: "Ever feel like you have the best intentions but you're just making one mistake after another?"

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