Chapter 31

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The bell rang multiple times, echoing through the speakers and filling the area full of noise. Children started to rush around like flies, dashing for a classroom nearby.

"What the..." Manon started, her voice drifting off.

"Lock down, quickly get inside," Max said frantically. Our new friends bolted towards the closest classroom. I can't really be bothered to do that so...staying here it is.

My ear drums ache when a loud gunshot was heard not to far away. You know what? The classroom sounds good, I've already been shot once and once is enough.

"What is happening?" Irene yelled once we were inside. 

"Quiet," Jake hissed. 

My eyes surveyed the room. A small group of younger students were huddled in a corner, clinging on to eachother. Cowards. 

"What is happening?" Irene said, this time in a whisper.

"Mad people outside, shooting us for no reason," Kate explained.

"Does this happen often?" Dorian inquired.

"Have you been living under a rock? Yes, but spread out across the country," Sam told us.

"How long will this last?" I wondered.

"Until the police come, now shut up," Kate demanded. I sighed and leant against the wall. I tried not to cringe at the pain in my arm. Adjusting myself, I leant back against the wall again. 

Minutes past and I started to get bored. The occasional shot was fired but nothing interesting.

"Let's play a game," I suggested, keeping my tone low.

"Um," Samantha replied. Probably unsure whether it was a good idea or not.

"Ok, why not?" Manon shruged.

"What game?" Jake asked. I smirked at him.

"Truth or dare," I stated.

"Count me in," Kate told us, "there is no amount of shooting that will keep me from playing a game."

The others all nodded there heads in agreement. I smiled and decided to start the game.

"Irene, truth or dare?" 

"Truth," she said.

"Hmm...when we first met, what did you think of me?" I asked.

Irene took a long pause, digging through her past thoughts and memories.

"I thought you were a rich girl who had a lot of weight on her shoulders, too much  even," Irene answered truthfully.

Another shot fired, shaking the building to its core.

Irene turned towards Jake surprisingly.

"Turtle or dare?" She asked. 

"Dare," he replied.

"I dare you to go over to those poor girls and tell them that everything is going to be fine," she said warmly.

Jake smiled and crawled across the room, his mouth moving as he whispered to the girls. They looked at him with hope in their eyes and he smiled before crawling back to us.

"Celaena, truth or dare?" He asked.

"Truth," I said without thinking it through.

"Are you single?" He wondered.

Well....technically I'm a widow,  but thats basically yes, right?

"Yes," I looked over at Dorian and decided to make things a bit more personal, not caring for our audience.

"Truth or dare?" Knowing him, he will chose truth.

"Truth," he said, exactly what I thought he would say.

"If you let your father live, without the Valg in him, would you forgive him over time for what he did?" A thought that had been on my mind.

"Over time, yes. But a very long time," he said in deep thought. The others looked confused. 

"What the hell is a Valg?" Kate asked.

"A monster thing from-" my voice was rudely interrupted.

"Our imaginary kingdom we built in our minds when we were kids," Kale said. I scowled at him. The others seamed a bit unsure but went a long with it.

"Samantha, truth or dare," Dorian asked the girl.

"Dare, this is getting to deep," she replied.

"Ok, open the door then close it," he said mischievously.

"I could get shot!" She exclaimed, somehow still keeping to a low whisper.

"A dare is a dare, do it," he replied. 

Samantha mumbled something under her breath and crawled over to the door. In one quick motion she swang the door open and closed it again.  A slight breeze went into the room as she did.

A gunshot was fired towards the room and went straight through the glass, shattering it over us. My leg screamed at me, my nervous system telling me something is wrong.  

Involuntarily my eyes shifted to my leg. A chunk of glass was sticking of of my leg, blood running on both sides of the cut.

"Fantastic," I said sarcastically.

"Oh my god, are you alright?" Kate said worrily.

"What do you think?" I replied rhetorically.

Manon reached over towards me and I looked at her with curiosity. She grabbed the piece of glass and yanked it out, giving me no warning. It took all my effort not to make a noise, Endovier trained me well.

"There, it will be fine," Manon said not really worried at all. 

"Listen up everyone!" A male voice called from outside, it sounded slightly familiar.  

"If any of you are seen, we shoot. If any of you are heard, we shoot. Receptions down, same with the Wifi,  so you won't be able to call the police. Consider this a message to Aelin Sardothien!" he called. Oh, wait...I think that voice belongs to a very pissed off Calvin. 

Dorian, Kale, Irene and Manon all turn to me...also extremely pissed.

"Why are you looking at me?" I said innocently," I don't know an Aelin Sardothien, only a Lilian Gordaina." 

To be honest, I should of expected the punch to my face.

This isn't really how lock downs work but this is a story with Fae and magic in it so anything is possible.

Also, I started writing this before kingdom of Ash came out, but I think I'm going to try and coordinate the plots somehow, idk how though.

Quote: "Ever feel like you have the best intentions but you're just making one mistake after another?"

Day And Night (Throne of Glass high school)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα