Chapter 13

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I move through the streets like a snake. My midnight-black boots silent against the rooftops. Where ever you are, where ever you go there's always a crime lord, you just have to be good enough to find it. And luckily I am.

I free fall into the alley way my feet landing with a small thud againstbthe concrete. I walk down a narrow stairway and push open the door and saunter in. I'm home. 


The fat man with a thin amount of hair laughs in my face. So typical of him, to think I'm just a useless kid.

"So you want me to hire you for a job. When I've never seen you work, you are no offense female and probably never been in a fight before." I don't even resist the snort. Shit, he's so sexist.

"Go find someone else girl." He snarled at me. 

"Fine. Just letting you know that you missed the chance of your lifetime." I stand up and leave the sexist pig alone. I'll find someone else.  I spot a man siting at the bar. He seems reasonable I stroll up to him and sit on the stool next to him.

"You're new." He says in an accent. So he's a regular, good. 

"Let's just say I recently moved and I'm looking for a job."

"You gotta be what? 18?"

"19" I hiss.

Ok, ok." He puts his arms in a surrender motion, " what kinda job ya talking about?"

"One that requires a victim." I reply. 

"So you're a hit-man." 

"I prefer the term assassin." I smirk. 

"Well, let's see how good ye are, assassin." He grabs something from his belt and passes me a black thing. "How many bullseyes can ya score?"

"What's that?" I ask. And point to the small, kind of banana shaped thing.

"What's that?! So much for an assassin, it's a gun!" He half shouted. 


"You know, to shoot people." I look at him confused. "How else are ya gonna kill them?"

"A blade to the throat." I say. 

"Well...lets see how good you are at throwing one then." He does the most dummest thing ever and passes me a knife. He must be stupid to trust me with a blade. I smile and stand up. With a flick of my wrist I throw it. Right into the middle of the bullseye of the dart board across the other side of the bar. 

The man looks at me shocked. "You're in. Meet me tommora night aand I'll get ya you're first job." I smirk at him.

"Deal." I turn and leave, black cape draging behind me. 

I scale back up the onto the roof and make the journey back to the house. 

The door unlocks with a click. I walk in and take my cloak off straight away. I walk into the kitchen and grab myself a piece of bread before heading upstairs and having a warm shower. Thank gods it's Saturday. I would never have been able to wake up before 8am. 

Quote: "Destroying things is much easier than making them."

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