Chapter 27

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"Are we going to stand around talking, or actually fight?' I asked to no one in particular.

"Neither, I'm going to let you go," Calvin  said. To be honest I was not expecting that, and by the looks on his colleges faces they didn't either.

"What's the catch?" I questioned.

"Oh, it's very simple. You have to serve me now, it's actually a good deal. You'll be paid more and get to kill more people," Calvin shrugged.

I considered the deal, realising that I would have to betray John in order to take it.  I do not betray my  friends. 

"I'm good," I decided. The man scowled at me. He motioned his head towards me, silently  telling his followers to grab me. I felt a slight shift in the atmosphere as the group closed in around me. 

Taking a deep breath, not wanting to fight all these people. I frantically scan my eyes over the structure of the circle, finding it's weak spot. Then I lunged. 


"Have you seen Celaena?" I asked Irene during maths. She shook her head. 

"I think she just wants time to herself. I will check on her later today," she replied. I nodded, feeling slightly worried for the girl.  Just by looking at her I could tell she has been through much...then those scars...

I shook my head and smiled, paying a close attention to the simultaneous equations on the board. 

"Hey, Kate," a female voice speaks behind me.

"What?" I replied turning around. I saw brown hair and makeup and knew who it was, Chloe. Also known as the "Queen" of the school. 

"I'm having a party tonight," wait is she inviting me to a party? "And I was wondering if you could ask Dorian to come?" She continued trying to sound nice. I rolled my eyes and turned around.

"He's taken," I replied not really caring.

"By who!" Chloe said madly.

"Manon," I told her.

"Oh," she said and leant back in her seat. I could tell that she was slightly scared of her but didn't want to show it.

Thankfully the bell rang after that. My hands automatically rushed into packing up my stationary. I pulled the bags strap over my shoulder and sped out the room. 

Still worrying where Celaena was.

It has been only three days...maybe she was just sick?

Quote: "Not all monsters do monstrous things."

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