Bowsette's BIG plan

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1 2 3 go

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1 2 3 go

Bowsette was sitting in her throne room trying to think of another way to take over the mushroom kingdom. Than koopa came in.

Koopa: my queen I got my hands on one of Mario's power ups.

He took out a mega mushroom

Koopa: we have no idea what it can do to koopa blood but Mario uses it to get gaint.

Bowsette: gaint you say. Give me that!

She took and and took one bite. Instead of growing bigger she grown fat gaining a ton of weight in seconds.

Koopa: oh no.

He ran tried to run away scared of the consequences of ruining the queens figure.

Bowsette: just one bite did all this. I wonder what happens if I eat the whole thing.

Kamek: my crudeness don't you think not being fat would be better.

Bowsette: shut it kamek.

Bowsette gobbled the whole thing up. And she grew. Her amount of chins doubled her breast because way bigger than her head. He legs her bellybutton popped. He legs became as thick as a three stomp.

Bowsette: amazing! this opens up a whole new ways to conquer the kingdom! Lackeys! Find me more of these mushrooms!

Koopa troop: YESSSS BOSS.

They searched high and low to get as many mushrooms as they can they where very rare. And hard to find. Even rare in the bad lands where Bowsette lives. They where able to grab 25 mega mushrooms.

Bowsette: perfect.

She gobbled them all up so fast she didn't have time to grow after eating one. When all of then where down her gullet she grew and grew. Kamek disappeared in fear. Koopas, goombas, and other minions where running for there lives as she expanded so quickly many got crushed under her weight. Many where getting stuck in her flabs from trying to scale her to avoid getting crushed at the bottom. She broke her castle and kept growing until her fat was as big as mountains. Kamek reappeared.

Kamek: look at this mess can you even move.

She started to slowly move forward with her few steps some if her fat was already leaving the badlands. She went would to world when she got to boo woods even the boos couldn't faze through her. Luigi was lucky that his mansion was just bearly out of the way of that fatty. As he took a video before texting Mario.

Luigi: you see this.

Mario: yep. I decided to look through my Telescope and I can all ready see her. I going to come up with a plan so come over.

Luigi: I am not going to be fast enough.

Mario: fine.

After awhile of walking her flab was crushing some mountains in the desert.

Bowsette: I think my flab has reached the desert. Mushroom castle here I'm coming!

She made it to the mushroom kingdom. Mario lead a army if toads to shoot cannons at her they all just bounced off her.

Mario: maybe we should have fired canon balls instead of cannons.

Toads started to get squashed. Mario got an idea he jumped up to Bowsette face.

Bowsette: Mario just in time to see me destroy the mushroom kingdom.

Mario: not on my watch.

He took out a mini mushrooms before he tripped and got stuck in her breast sinking down into it. While the mini mushroom went flying in the air.

Bowsette: bawh ah ah. Well look on the bright side you getting a better death than most. Bawh ah-

She was cut off as the mini mushroom landed in ger mouth and went down her throat. She was back at a more normal size while still being fat. Various creates landed in the ground now free from there fat captor.

Bowsette: fowled again.

Mario: yes.

He said before passing out.

Bowsette: man I am hungry.

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