queen koopa and her green love

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Here I was again infiltrating Queen koopas Castle like Mario asked. But before you know I was found by the Queen her self.

Bowsette: so you are snoopingas usual I see.

Luigi:(gulp) yeah bowsette

She picked me up and put me on her arm looking down at me. She gave me a quick wink which made me blush.

Bowsette: still scared. Cute Never change.

Luigi: I won't.

She gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Bowsette: so Mario still doesn't know about us.

Luigi: no.

Bowsette: Well he will soon.

She walked to the throne room and put me on the throne right next to her. I saw Bowser (this universe Bowser Jr)

Bowser: papa Luigi. It's been so long.

He said as I patted his head. So you might be wondering. How did a coward like me get with the Koopa queen how did I Luigi Mario brother if Mario Mario date his most hated enemy. Well you see it all started the first time he sent me on a spy mission.


Mario: Luigi we need to be ahead of Bowsette the less she able to surprise us the more we can stop the princess from getting kidnapped.

Luigi: so how we going to do that.

Mario: you know you where always the best at hide n seek.

Luigi: yes.

Mario: well her us the map of ways to get into her castle you will need to be able to get in and stay in.

Luigi: bro but

Mario: don't worry if anything happens to you. You know I am going to kick her butt.

Luigi: thanks Mario.

Mario: make me proud.

Luigi: will do.

So I snuck in and was able to get her plans muitple time so we had the correct counter measures. I was able to do this a whole mouth finding the best hiding places. But than she caught on.

Kamek: you're highness calm down. we don't know it's like they know what where going to do before we do it.

Bowsette: it's almost like they had a spy. Are any one you spies.

All the bosses: no we hate the mushroom kingdom to much for that.

Bowsette: I want a full sweep if this castle now!

Luigi: I better get out if her.

I used the secret exit and just when I was going down the pip. I was grabbed I looked and saw Bowsette with fire in her eye.

Bowsette: A sidekick is what is causing all this trouble!

I tried to escape. But she knocked me out in on punch. When I woke up I was in a cage.

Bowsette: Hahahah the great Bowsette has defeated you. And now you're precise brother is coming to save you and when he comes I will kill him.

Luigi: you won't get away with this!

Bowsette: I already have!

I spent 2 weeks in that cage but in those 2 weeks I got to know her we talked and I even got to fully meet her kid she even allowed me to help teach him some things. And before Mario saved me she kissed me. I was able to convince Mario to let me do more spy missions. Which was really an excuse to go on dates with Bowsette but we still pretend to be at odds in battles with Mario and she even came up with fake schemes so Mario won't get to suspicious.

                     End of flashback

But now it's time to tell him.

Luigi: it's time.

Bowsette flew me in her clown car to the mushroom kingdom we told Mario everything he was not the accepting but Peach talked him out and now we live in peace except for a few bosses that still want to see the down fall of the mushroom kingdom.

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