Not much time left.

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Screaming, screaming, screaming.  It was all that he could hear.  He could see nothing but blood, rivers of blood.  Kylo ran then, his hands over his ears, his feet slipping and then he could see them, the faces of all the people he had slaughtered and there, stood right at the front was his father.  Kylo froze as the faces drifted towards him and then he was running again, running so fast that he couldn't breathe.  Running straight into an outstretched hand which hit him square in the chest.  Gasping,Kylos eyes swept upwards, looking straight into the eyes of his mother.  "Ben".

Kylo sat up with a frightened gasp.  He shuddered then, a hoarse sob escaping his lips, his hand flying to cover his eyes as if that action alone might block out his nightmare.  He quickly turned on his lamp to reveal a tangled mess of covers.  He looked down at his body, watching the rivers of sweat running down his pale chest.  He brought his hands down in front of his face, looking at the pink palms which shook violently as he took deep breaths, trying to calm himself, trying to rid himself of the images that had played out in front of his eyes.

Kylo climbed out of bed and headed into the bathroom, stopping to look at his reflection in the mirror.  Tired, red rimmed eyes stared back at him.  Hux he knew wouldn't be sleeping tonight, he would already be doing all he could to find the resistance.  They were running out of time.  Despite his anger and the deep feeling of betrayal that he had felt earlier with Rey he couldn't help the heavy feeling in his stomach. There was no way they would escape this time, not with the new army, weapons and ships, they would be wiped out, every last one of them and that included his mother and Rey. Kylo closed his eyes, the memory of his nightmare returning to him along with the deep realisation that his mother and Rey would never leave him, even after they were gone they would still haunt his dreams. That thought made him tired and he splashed cold water over his face. Tomorrow, he had no doubt would be a big day.

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