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Tw: Death, cutting, blood, suicide,

Logan's POV

Logan leaned into Roman, his eyes drooping. Getting thrown around was tiring, and they had to do the scene multiple times. Virgil and Jackie had kept messing around. Logan slid down to his boyfriend's lap before drifting off to sleep.

Logan's eyes fluttered open, widening when he was met with an unfamiliar bedroom. His body moved without his direction, getting up and getting ready. He made note of what he looked like as he straightened his tie in the mirror. His style was relatively unchanged, though his physical appearance had morphed drastically. His face was a bit more narrow and his hair was an atrocious shade of purple. Logan ran his fingers thru his ridiculously dyed bangs, rolling his eyes as they refused to be tamed. "Why do you feel the need to patronize me so Thomas?" Logan was astonished at the words coming from his own mouth.

'I guess I'm just along for the ride.' Logan speculated on who this Thomas could be as he moved down the hall. 'He's probably a friend who thought it would be funny to put hair dye in my shampoo, as a childish prank.'

Logan was flabbergasted when he entered the kitchen to find two people who looked exactly like him. The only differences were their clothing. "Salutations morality, anxiety. Might I inquire where the fanciful side is at this time?"

The darker of the two, an emo with a gray plaid hoodie, was the first to respond. "Princy told me that he's staying in daydream mode till he gets an idea for the next vid."

"I hope it doesn't take to long." The brightly dressed young man chimed in. "Even though were just figment of Thomas's imagination we still need to take care of ourselves."

"This isn't the first time someone has sacrificed their heath for a deadline, it won't effect Thomas much if Prince didn't eat or sleep for a day." Logan moved over to the counter as he spoke, filling up a cup full of coffee before popping some bread into the toaster. "If he stays in there any longer we'll send Remus in after him." While the bread cooked he grabbed a butter knife from a drawer and a jar of jelly from the fringe.

Logan wrinkled his nose when he saw what he was putting on his toast. He was never really a jelly guy. He hated how the seeds got caught between his teeth. Logan grabbed his breakfast before heading back up the stairs.

"You getting to work already kiddo?" The man wearing a polo got up from the table to stop him.

"I failed to finish my work last night and I would rather not Thomas forget anything important." Logan turned back up the stairs.

"See you later logic! Make sure to eat lunch! I'll make you something so you don't forget!" Logan returned to his room, snapping his fingers before entering. The room that he entered was vastly different than the room he had woken up in. The theme was the same dark blue but it had transformed into a slightly cluttered office space. Logan picked up some papers that had been thrown haphazardly onto the desk.

"Can't sleep clean up after himself for once!" Logan flipped thru the papers only catching a quick glance of each. They looked like pictures but the one on the top was different when he looked at it again. They showed ridiculous scenes with questionable physics and impossible creatures. Logan clipped them together before setting them in a black folder labeled 'DREAMS'. He sat down at the desk and picked up a notebook, clicking the end of a ballpoint pen. He proceeded to pick up one of the loose papers from the desk. On was a scene of a person with an orange beanie sitting at a computer, the bright lights deepening the shadows on their face. When the picture moved, Logan would have jumped back if he were in control of his body. The beanie wearing individual turned the computer towards whatever had filmed the scene.

"Does this look good to you?" It zoomed in, showing editing software.

"That looks phenomenal, the fans will love it!" Logan looked away, writing a quick note in the notebook, before moving on to another paper. Logan blinked and most of the papers on the desk were gone, as well as the coffee and toast from earlier. He wrote a note and was moving to the next one when he felt a strong tugging sensation in his gut. He sighed before sinking straight into the floor.

He popped up beside a set of stairs. "Hey logic! Do you know why I'm feeling so weird?" Another lookalike stood in the center of the room wearing a casual t-shirt and jeans. The others from the kitchen stood around the edges of the room.

"Well how exactly do you feel weird?"

"I was just sitting in my room when I started having all these horrible, self-destructive, ideas. Do you know why that would happen?"

"It was most likely the duke messing with you. Though... I have yet to see Prince today... Anxiety!" The emo stood at attention. "Go check on Remus. I'll see how Prince is doing. Morality, if you'll stay here and help Thomas with any other unpleasant thoughts or ideas." The lighter man nodded approaching the man in the middle. Logan sunk down appearing in the hallway in front of a red and white door, with gold trim. He looked up at a light above the door, seeing  that it was off, before entering. "Prince! Do you know what caused Thomas's self- destructive stint?" Logan stepped further into the room, seeing the bathroom door ajar. "Prince?" Logan entered the bathroom, freezing when he saw what awaited him.

Deprecating words covered the walls, written in a blood red ink. There was another lookalike was laying in the bathtub. His shirt was off exposing his bloody chest. He looked starved, his ribs about ready to break thru his pale skin. Though there were cuts all over his exposed skin, the majority were focused on his arms. One arm had two words on it, logic, that had been crossed out, and Logan. Upon closer inspection, the other arm contained a message scrawled into the skin. 'I'm sorry. I can't do this anymore. I need him. I need Logan. I can't do this without him. I'm sorry logic. Don't think this is your fault. You made me remember to much. You never knew. It doesn't matter anyways.
-yours truly
Roman Royal Prince.'

"No...... No... No. NO. NO! I'M RIGHT HERE! WHY DIDN'T YOU REACH OUT! I- I need you too..." Logan collapsed to the floor sobbing as he hugged the limp body of his dead boyfriend.

So.... I just did that. I promise I'm not crazy.

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