Show (part 2)

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I'm sorry if the chapters are a bit out of order. My Wattpad is hating me and the 'report a problem with this part' thing is super confusing. If you have any tips please tell me because I am kinda lost. If you are confused about the order, Scars goes in between Dominic and Hope, and The Dream goes between Field Trip and The Intruder. Show goes before this one and after Extra. I'm sorry for any confusion caused by this, I am working to fix it as soon as possible.

Tw: mentions of death, kidnapping, mentions of human experimentation, plot that's not really relevant to the main story.

Viewer's POV

Jackie laid in bed, looking thru the vial. It was apparent thru his facial expression that the events of earlier that day had troubled him. "Hey Jackie." His adopted aunt stood in the doorway.

"Hey auntie." Jackie sighed as he put the vial back into his pocket. "What do you need?"

"You haven't checked on Sam yet, he's always your first priority after you fight someone." She sat down on Jackie's bed as Sam floated into the room.

"I didn't fight anyone! That's part of what I'm so bothered with! I just watched them fight! I could have done something!" Jackie bolted up angrily, slamming his fists into his bedsheets.

"Would it have really changed anything?"

"I- I don't know. On one hand, if I had helped then the hero guy might not have had to kill the demon but-" Jackie got up, pacing around the room.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Who said that Mr flashy was the hero?" Jackie took a moment to process what his aunt had just suggested, stopping his restless pacing. "Did he do anything particularly heroic? Or are you just saying that because the person he was fighting looked like a bad guy?" Jackie's aunt got up, leaving Jackie alone with his thoughts.

Jackie didn't react for a long while. "The demon was never the bad guy. He didn't do anything wrong but he got killed! Unless..."

Jackie was startled by a voice from his window. "You're finally starting to see the bigger picture aren't you? Good I didn't want two flying twerps to deal with." Jackie turned to see the demon perched on his windowsill.

Jackie freaked out, stumbling back in his surprise. "What- how! This is the ninth story window."

"You don't think I know. I'm the one who scaled up here." The demon jumped of the sill. "But that's not the reason I'm here. You're in danger."

Jackie raised an eyebrow. "Me! In danger? Why would that be so?"

"'Cause you're an alien, with an alien pet."

Jackie's eyes widened. "How- I'm not an alien! I don't have an alien pet!"

"Really then what's the giant, floating, green eye in the corner, a decorative lantern?" Sarcasm was evident in the demons tone.

"Fine! I have an alien pet, but that doesn't make me an alien!"

"Really? I got two words for you. No aura." The demon held up two fingers to illustrate his point. "All humans have an aura, visible to angel and demons, that illustrates the contents of their heart. A sinner has a dark aura, muggy and gross, while a saint has a lighter aura. Yours is nonexistent."

Jackie gave up trying to convince the demon. "Why would me being an alien put me in danger? Why should I trust someone when I don't even know their name!?"

"Well to answer your questions my name is Vivian, and I know this town better than most. For instance, I know that the villain Strategum, is the real ruler of this town, and he loves experimenting on the more unnatural citizens such as yourself." Vivian poked Jackie's chest with a smirk.

"Why doesn't the city fight back? He's experimenting on innocent people!"

Vivian just shrugged. "He's rich, and if there's any trouble he just sends his little boy toy, Princy, to take care of it."

"So you're fighting the good fight, to stop this monster before he claims any more innocent lives!"

"Ha! Not even close. I'm a demon, a little sin is good for me! No... The problem is that he took someone very close to me. Pathos doesn't deserve to suffer."

"So you're just going to save your friend and flee! What kind of coward does that!"

Jackie quickly found himself pinned to the wall by the well built demon. "I am no coward. I have seen things that would make you curl into a ball and die, I have experienced things that would drive you insane in seconds, I have died a thousand times in burning agony, and I will not stop till the man that I love is safely back in my arms." Vivian stepped back, removing his hand from Jackie's neck. "If you're not going to help, then stay out of my way." He was at the window before Jackie could even catch his breath enough to protest. "When you change your mind meet me at the stone bridge." With that Vivian had vanished into the night.


Jackie walked with Sam down the street. It had been two days since the mysterious demon had jumped out his window and things had yet to go wrong. A mysterious stranger wearing all black bumped into him, muttering a quick apology as they continued to speed walk down the street. Sam started acting weird as soon as the stranger was out of sight, he vibrated at the air beside him while traveling in that direction. "What's wrong Sam?" Sam just vibrated angrily in response as he was pulled into a dark alleyway. Jackie quickly followed him, stopping when he saw the same dark stranger holding Sam under one arm as he ducked into a side building. "SAM!" Jackie lunged forward but the door was already slammed shut. He pounded on the door for hours, flying around the building, and trying to find a way in. He slumped against the side of the building defeated as the sun set on the city.

"When you change your mind meet me at the stone bridge." The words echoed thru the empty alleyway. Jackie got up, a new fire in his eyes. He flew thru the city, finding a old stone bridge in the middle of the surrounding woods.

"Hello! I need your help! They took Sam!" Jackie called vainly into the woods. "I can't do this without him! He's the only one from my home planet who actually cares for me! Please!" Tears fell down Jackie's face, his voice breaking.

Vivian's voice echoed thru the surrounding forest."Well well well, how does it feel to have the only one who understands you ripped away. It hurts doesn't it. This could all have been prevented if you would have just listened to me in the first place, but no! You had to think so highly of yourself. 'He's such a bad person because he cares more about the one he loves than random strangers that he's never met.'" Vivian stepped out of the shadows onto the worn stone. "Are you so generous now that it's your pet's life on the line?"

Jackie squared his shoulders, wiping the tears from his eyes."I'm here to help you-"

"Ah ah ah, you're here because you need my help." Jackie let out a huff but didn't object. "Don't worry, I already have a plan."

If you couldn't tell Vivian is Virgil, Pathos is Patton, Stratigum is Logan, and Princy is Roman.

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