The Past (and tag)

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Tw:cutting, not eating, blood, depression, self deprecation, cringe worthy writing.

Logan's POV (I know that seems like all I'm doing theses days)

Logan checked the sleeping boy's pulse, making sure his heartbeat remained steady. As he wrapped an extra layer of bandages around Roman's damaged arms he couldn't help but remember the first time he was required to do this.


Logan was reading in the common room when Dr.Pancini entered, searching the room for something. He perked up a bit when he saw Logan and hurried over.

"Logan, we've got a new patient and he's going to be staying in your room. I know that you haven't had a roommate since Prince Iodine left." (Only people who know me personally will get this reference (and yes I did change the gender because Logan wouldn't be roommates with a girl))

"You know that he wasn't really a Prince, so there is no need to address him as such." Logan briefly recalled  the delusional teen who had been transferred earlier that year when their family moved. "But considering a new roommate, I will be satisfied with anyone as long as they know how to respect personal space."

"Great, I was hoping that you would say that. He'll be moving in in a few days, just so that you know."

"Ah so I take it he is not severely disabled, considering the fact that we are being given a couple of days notice."

"Sure we'll say that." Pancini was quick to exit before he could be questioned.

Logan disregarded his conversation with Pancini until three days later when, on returning to his room, was met by a dark boy.

"You the other boy that's rooming here?" The younger boy was holding his suitcase in one hand.

"That statement is correct, even if the grammar that makes it up is not. So, did you arrive shortly before I returned?" Logan motioned to the suitcase which was still in his hand.

"Na, I just didn't know which side's yours. You been here long?"

Logan winced a bit at the atrocious grammar but responded all the same. "The right side is mine, and concerning your question I have been here since I was five years old."

"Wow, that's whack." The dark boy moved to the left side of the room, setting his suitcase on the bed. "My name's Virgil, or verge of you're to lazy to say the whole thing, what's yours?"

"Logan, a pleasure to make  your acquaintance." Logan extended his hand. Virgil looked at it but just rolled his eyes and started playing on his phone.

"Dinner is at 7, the cafeteria is down the hall. If you feel the need you may sit with me."

"No thanks, I'm not eating."

"Preposterous, if you don't eat then you'll become emaciated and die."

Virgil just shrugged and returned his attention to his phone.

In the next couple of weeks it became apparent that Virgil was not only anorexic but depressed to the point of being suicidal, with major anxiety. Logan took note of these things but didn't do anything about it. There were professionals to do that.

His relationship with the emo was purely professional. They were nothing more than roommates. Why should he care if he was getting better? Or that's what Logan thought until about two months later when he found the bathroom door locked.

"Virgil, Virgil. You have been in the restroom for a concerning amount of time. Do you require assistance?" Logan listened for a minute, becoming concerned when he only heard whimpers. "Virgil, if you do not answer me I will be forced to come in there. Your behavior is starting to worry me."

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