Show (part 3)

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Tw: mentions of death and blood, slight mention of suicide (almost none) fighting, experimentation implied.

Viewer's POV

(Voice over will be italicized)

Vivian walked out into the rooftop.  Vivian's voice laid out the plan as it was carried out. "There's only one way to get in the building without extensive identification, the only problem is that Princy is always guarding it. I'm going to distract him while you break in." 

"Hey Princy!" Prince was barely able to register the demon before he was knocked back off the roof.

"Ha!" Princy winced as he got up, holding his shoulder. "I knew you were suicidal but I didn't expect you to be back so soon!" Vivian watched as Jackie snuck behind Princy into the hatch on the roof.

"The angels up in heaven just got board of me faster than usual."

"Well I hope they won't mind meet sending you back so soon." Princy attempted to splash Vivian with some holy water from a little bottle that he had uncapped. Vivian dodged skillfully out of the way, hissing when a droplet landed on the outside of his arm. "Finally developed some self preservation I see."

"Maybe. Or you're stupidity is finally starting to affect your fighting." Princy growled at Vivian, flying at him full force. Vivian dodged, sliding down the outside of a nearby fire escape. Princy tried to stop himself but landed hard cracking the rooftop underneath him. He limped over to the side of the building, watching Vivian scamper away from the lab. Princy smirked as he returned to his lookout on the trapdoor, wincing as he landed. "That devil finally learned his lesson."


Jackie dropped down onto the pristine tiles. "All you need to do is open one of the lower windows without setting of the alarms, I'll do the rest." Jackie snuck thru the halls, ducking behind corners and hiding in supply closets whenever scientists passed. He got to the second floor and opened one of the bigger windows, seeing the laser fence that spanned across the now open gap.

"Get the window open and get out he said. I'm giving you the easy job he said! This isn't easy!" Jackie ran back down the hall, ducking into that level's control closet. His eyes glowed brightly as used his powers of mental manipulation to read the mind of a scientist passing by and got the code to shut off the alarms. He punched the code in, wincing at the loud affirmative beep that rang thru the little room. Jackie booked it out of the room as fast as possible, running directly into one of the scientists.

"I wondered when you would come for your little pet." The scientist looked unfazed by the head on collision, pinning Jackie down with one foot.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." The scientist removed his foot from Jackie's chest, though Jackie still couldn't get up, despite nothing keeping him down.

"Don't play dumb with me extraterrestrial. While the creature that we recently acquired is quite intelligent there is no way that it could effectively pilot a spacecraft. It acted more like a pet than an independent, or wild creature." Jackie's eyes widened at his use of past tense.

"What did you do to Sam!" Jackie struggled wildly against the invisible force pinning him down.

"Oh, don't worry, he's alive... For now." The scientist flicked a syringe that he had picked up from a nearby surgical table. "He's certainly safer than you are at the moment." The scientist inserted the needle into Jackie's neck, draining the blue liquid. Jackie's eyes fluttered closed darkness enveloping his surroundings.


Jackie woke up strapped to a table, the scientist uncomfortably close as he measured Jackie's face with a tool that looked allot like a monkey wrench. "Hold still, my sweet
I'm trying to measure
The space between
Your molar and your jaw
This caliper
No cause for fear
No, it,
It doesn't hurt
It only helps me measure
How much skin you have
In the topmost layer of fat." The scientist took a step back placing the tool on a table and writing a few notes down in a little notebook. "But I won't make that incision
Until you're nice and numb
Oh, and laughing gas can be so much fun
Please don't doubt my decision." The scientist turned back to Jackie, placing his hands on either side of his face. "This will be ooh!
This will be aah!
This will be absolutely whee!
This will be nice, this will be neat
And bring you closer to me." Jackie tried his best to get as far away from the psychopath as possible.
"So don't you squirm, don't you fret
I'm not gonna hurt you..." The scientist grabbed Jackie's jaw forcing him to look the other in the eyes. "Yet." He let go of Jackie, walking over to a table full of knives and scalpels of different sides and picking up one of the smaller blades.
"I just feel the need to be getting
A little of you
A lot of blood-letting
I know the sensation you're probably dreading
But cutting you up will be so refreshing
For me
Refreshing for me." Tears pricked Jackie's eyes as he realised that  this may just be the end of Jackieboyman as the world knew him. "No, don't you cry

And don't call anyone
I've got alibs." The madman used the small knife to cut thru the fabric of Jackie's costume, exposing his right foot and lower leg. "Oh, let me check your toes out

ren't your toenails cute
And red is such a lovely colour on you." He snapped the red spandex costume, smiling when he saw Jackie wince in pain. "But you won't be needing those
When you've got no knees
Or shins, or pinky fingers, or arteries
So hold still while I remove them
Oh, and don't fight back
I think you'll find you're missing the point
With that
That's enough out of you!" The scientist stabbed the sharp instrument dangerously close to Jackie's face. "This will be ooh!
This will be aah!
This will be absolutely whee!
This will be nice, this will be neat
And bring you closer to me
So don't you squirm, don't you fret
I'm not gonna hurt you
I just feel the need to be getting
A little of you
A lot of blood-letting
I know the sensation you're probably dreading
But cutting you up will be so refreshing
For me, yeah
Refreshing for me, yeah." The scientist began walking around the table making it hard for Jackie to keep him in sight. "Well once upon a time
That's where the plot begins
And right after the end,
Well that's where the plot thins, and
I've got no angel that keeps me in line
So I'm taking your narrative
And I'm making it mine
'Cause I'm all out of hurt
I've used up all I got
So I'm chopping you up
And still coming up squat
If I wanted to bleed
I'd just roll up my sleeve
And saw,
And saw,
And saw,
And saw,
And saw,
And saw,
And saw,
And saw,
And saw, yeah!" Jackie looked seriously concerned for both his own health and the mental health of his captor. The psychopath calmed down a light smile on his face as he stopped in front of his extraterrestrial victim. "This will be ooh
This will be aah
This will be absolutely whee
This will be nice, this will be neat
And bring you closer to me
So don't you squirm, don't you fret
I'm not gonna hurt you
No, no, no, not yet
I just feel the need to be getting
A little of you
A lot of blood-letting
I know the sensation you're probably dreading
But there's one thing you're forgetting
There's nothing like the thrill of a shred, again
This is no orthodox beheading
I'm cutting you up
Cutting you up
Cutting you up is gonna be
So refreshing
For me
Refreshing for me, yeah
Refreshing for me!" The door slammed open, the sudden light blinding the two occupants.

I want gonna do a song but then this popped up on my recommended page and I was like 'psychopathic Logan scientist! Yasssss!' I mostly blame Shadow_at_Dawn because she searched up the family friendly noose song and the hearse song when we were showing eachother songs. It totally doesn't have anything to do with the creepy animations I watch or the other murderous songs that I've liked.

I think there will only be one more episode chapter but I could be wrong.

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