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Tw: anxiety and anxious thoughts, hints of neglect, mentions of Dominic, sport talk, slight mention of murder.

Virgil's POV

Patton held Virgil's hand as he shakily dialed the number. "What if they hate me? What if they're homophobic? What if they don't like me? Will they stop the triplets from seeing me? What if-" Patton cut off Virgil's anxious rant by pressing the call button. "Patton! Why did you do that!"

"Someone needed to do it and you weren't going to."

"Hello?" A feminine voice came from the phone.

"Oh he-hello!" Virgil frantically shuffled thru the notes that he had written down. "Is this the Sanderson household?"

"Yes, this is Rebecca Sanderson speaking."

Virgil read straight off the paper that Logan had written up for him. "I was informed that you recently adopted three children by the names of Missy, Imag, and Parker Black, is this correct?"

"Yes... Is there a problem?"

"Oh no! It's just I'm their older brother and-" Virgil frantically looked thru the mess of papers.

"You must be Virgil! They never stop talking about you. You're their idol you know!" A crash came from the other end. "That better not be what I think it was!"

A fainter voice came from the phone. "Don't worry dear, I'll handle it, you just finish up with your phone call."

Rebecca's started talking again, away from the phone. "Thanks, I don't know what I would do without you." Rebecca turned back to the phone. "Anyways, why did you call?"

"Well one of my friends has invited us ah- his friends and their families- on a two week long VIP tour of his parent's company- well it's a studio- they're movie directors so yea..." Patton squeezed Virgil's hand as he awkwardly trailed off.

"It's wonderful that your friend invited you to go with him! Let me just check our schedule.... It's these upcoming weeks correct?"

"That's what we've been told."

"Well Tamara is of work for a couple of weeks while they do renovations on the candy shop she works at, and I work as a teacher, so we should be able to come-" Another loud crash came from the other side of the phone. "I better go help her handle them. I'll see you then. We'll be meeting you where?"

"Well we'll be meeting at the mental institution where I live at about ten in the morning on Monday, where we'll get picked up by one of their agents or something." Virgil looked down at the schedule.

"Perfect! We're looking forward to finally meeting you!"

"Well, bye, I guess."

"Bye!" Virgil kept the phone to his ear even after he heard the click from the other end.

"Well that went well!" Virgil jumped a bit as he realized his boyfriend was still sitting right beside him.

"Yea I guess it did." Virgil allowed a small smile to flit across his face. "Now all we've got to do is call your parents."

"Um, well, don't we still need to pack! It is going to be two weeks and-"

"Don't worry Patton. I'll be right here the whole time." Virgil gently pulled Patton into his lap.

Patton's POV

Patton snuggled farther into his boyfriend's chest, trying to ignore the icy dread that was creeping up his spine. His fingers shook as he punched the numbers into the flip phone that Pancini had let them use. Patton looked up when Virgil's hand wrapped around his own. He could see the endless love and support in his boyfriend's eyes. Virgil gently pressed his lips against Patton's forehead. "Everything is gonna be alright."

Patton smiled up at him before pressing the call button. The phone rung a few times before a manly voice came crackling from the other end. "Hello this is Coach Troy Emotion speaking."

"H-hey dad."

"Patton! What you been up to sport! Haven't seen you in a while. Finally got tired of your boyfriend and calling to tell us to tell us how much you want to move back in?"

"Not really dad... I-" Patton exhaled heavily, gripping Virgil's hand for moral support. "Did you get the email, from the state?"

"You're gonna have to be more specific. I get a ton of emails every day."

"Um, well, it was basically telling you that..." Patton looked up at Virgil for guidance.

Virgil took pity on Patton taking the phone out of his hand. "The email was saying that due to specific reasons that may or may not have been involving a possibly damaging situation the proper authorities deemed it necessary to take Patton into their custody until further notice."

"Who are you? And what do you mean by 'possibly damaging'!?"

"I'm Patton's boyfriend, Virgil Black."

Patton took back the phone. "And by 'possibly damaging' He means that Dominic wasn't too good for my mental health, if you get what I'm saying."

"Not really- are you in witness protection? Did you watch Dominic murder someone?"

"No! Not anything that extreme but- Think of it like this. You know how Beckham got drafted to the bumblebees earlier this season? How it dropped his ratings and probably hurt his self esteem, playing for them. Well I'm Beckham in this situation."

"Got it. It was just a bad deal all around. Anyways what was your purpose of ringing your old man up?"

"Well one of my friends, Roman Prince is his name, has invited his friends and their families on a two week long VIP tour of his parent's studio- they're movie directors. And the founder people of the place."

"Well it's the middle of the training season so your mother may be the only one who can make it."

"O-okay, that's fine... I know how busy you guys are with training and stuff... And I know how much sports means to you guys...." Virgil hugged Patton closer, wiping the unspilled tears from his eyes.

"How about you tell me where exactly this tour will be. Maybe- if the studio is big enough- then we could all come- say it's a free sponsorship thing." Patton brightened up a bit at the news.

"It's..." Virgil grabbed one of the papers scattered around them, showing it to Patton. "Happily Ever After Studios."

"Happily- Happily Ever After Studios! They're one of the biggest studios in the business! They're known for making high quality movies and tv shows in unnecessarily short amounts of time! You know the head director's son!"

"Does this mean you can come?" Patton was full on beaming at this point.

"Well, we'll have to talk to Richardson but there's a good chance that we can."

"Yay! So we're meeting here at ten on Monday!"

"I don't know where exactly 'here' is but I'm sure I can find out by Monday. See ya then sport!" With that he hung up.

Patton hugged Virgil tightly, dropping the old phone on the bed. "That went so much better than I had imagined it! They might actually be coming!"

"Congrats pat, you deserve this."

I'm sorry....

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