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Logan's POV

It took about two hours to arrive at the studio, though they ended up switching vehicles twice. Once from the limo to a private jet, and a second time from the jet to another limo. Once they finally arrived at the studio they waited just inside the gates. "She was supposed to be here ten minuets ago." Mr Prince muttered as he checked his watch.

A colorful tour bus suddenly careened around the corner, two of the wheels leaving the ground. "Hello!" The driver sang out as she stopped to let the group on. "Welcome to happily ever after studios I am Luna Prince, head director, writer, and that one annoying person who decides to change the script after the scene had already been shot." She gave a dazzling smile thru the rearview mirror when a weak chuckle came from the group. "I am also this little  scamp's mom." Luna reached back and ruffled Roman's hair, turning her eyes away from the road.

"MOM! Pay attention to the road!" Roman yelled as Mrs Prince almost hit the pizza delivery guy's car. Logan covered a small smile at the pair's dynamic relationship.

"Got it, got it, sheesh you're starting to become your father. 'No driving with your feet Luna, you can't see the road when you're upside-down.' Quiero decir que solo me estrellé en un buzón!" Roman rolled his eyes. (Translation: I mean I only crashed into one mailbox!)

"You know Spanish?" Logan asked.

Roman answered for his mother. "We learned it together. It is the language of love."

"You know Spanish as well?"

"Por supuesto mi amor." (Translation: of course my love)

"Well that was either confirmation or, something along the lines of only a little bit." Roman rolled his eyes at Logan's comment.

"I love you, you know that. Sometimes you're a huge dork, but I love you for it." Roman gave Logan a peck on the cheek, causing the intellectual to roll his eyes.

"If anyone's the dork it's you." Logan returned the kiss. A squeal came from the front seat. Logan looked up to see Luna turned towards them, hands on her cheeks as she squealed. Virgil smiled smugly at the pair from the back, holding Patton close.

"MOM!" Roman yelled pointing out the front window. There was a bump, and the bus stopped. Luna jumped out the window helping the young person that she had hit up.

"I'm so sorry Kim! Here let's get you sitting down." Luna lead Kim onto the bus where Kim sat painfully beside Roman. "I'll drive you to set ok! Tercera vez esta semana... Well change of plans, we'll be starting our tour in block c instead!" (Translation: third time this week)

"Are you ok?" Logan asked them as the bus started moving again.

"Yea, she does this all the time, she doesn't go that fast anyways." Kim shrugged off the concern. "And before you make any assumptions I'm non-binary. They them pronouns please." They gestured to a multicolored button that was pinned to their backpack.

"That's good to know. It's horrible for both parties when someone gets mis-gendered." Kim smiled at Roman.

"You're Luna's son aren't you?"

"How did you know?"

"You've both got that same dramatic air about you."

"Everybody off! I've got a show to direct!" The occupants of the bus followed Mrs Prince as she dramatically opened the double doors leading into the studio. They filed in behind her, Kim hurrying off to get in uniform.

"LOOK OUT!" Logan stepped back as a red blur came flying thru the air, narrowly missing colliding with the bespectacled young man. The blur slowed to a stop. The individual stood proudly in the air. Something about their red costume and blue mask felt familiar to Logan. "Sorry bout that, flying can be pretty tricky." He had a strong Irish accent.

"Just watch where you're going next time Jackie."

Logan's eyes widened as he realised where he knew the young man from. "Jackie? As in Jackie Brody?"

"You a fan?"

"No, I find television shows unrealistic and tunnel-visioned." Realisation dawned in Jackie's eyes as he remembered a conversation that he had over a decade previously.



"Its been so long!" Jackie tried to swing forward and embrace Logan in a hug but ended up just weakly swaying on the spot. "Whelp at least I tried. Jackieboyman away!" Jackie flew off to get himself un-harnessed. It was a few minuets before he returned, walking on his own two feet this time. "Look at you! You've grown up so much! You're mister serious with a tie and everything!" Jackie pulled Logan into a hug.

"Yes and you have stayed the same. I see while I have grown and matured into an adult you have yet to earn the 'a'."

Am awkward silence feel over the group while the two less academically inclined boys tried to figure out Logan's jab. Roman suddenly burst out laughing. "That was actually really good Logan!"

"I'm still confused. What's the joke?"

"Well Logan basically called you a dolt." Roman got out thru his laughter. "Cause of you take adult and take off the 'a' then all you're left with is 'dolt'." Jackie's eyes widened in understanding before he joined Roman in his laughter.

"Well I wear my D-U-L-T proudly. I worked hard to get this far!" Logan just rolled his eyes at Jackie's retort. "I didn't know you even had a sense of humor lo, but that was pretty good."

"Well I have been hanging around with Virgil allot. He is quite sarcastic."

"Oh! Virgil's the dark emo guy right?" Roman and Logan both nodded at the same time. "Well he's scary. He kinda threatened me when we talked earlier."

"Virgil always seems on edge and protective. That's just his vibe. He was probably just intimidated by you since you're a new face."

Virgil's POV

Virgil closely watched Jackie. Logan acted like they knew eachother but he didn't trust that for a second. Virgil looked down when he felt a tugging on his arm. "Virgy? Can I try flying?"

"Of course pat, you don't need to ask me to do anything."

"It's just I'm kinda a little bit afraid of heights and I would appreciate it if you would maybe stand with or under me so that you could catch me if I fall?"

"I'll always be there for you angel." Virgil pressed a loving kiss on Patton's forehead. Patton let out an adorable giggle before dragging Virgil in the direction that Jackie had flown. They reached the control panel just as the costumed boy finished unhooking himself. Patton started talking to the operator while Virgil just glared at Jackie.

Jackie noticed quickly Virgil's glare. "Hello?" Jackie looked honestly looked confused by the hostility.

"Name's Virgil." Virgil extended a hand for a handshake, all but crushing Jackie's hand in his grip. "Just so that you know if you hurt Logan or any of my other friends I will make sure-"

"Virgil! Look at me!" Virgil was cut off by Patton who was being held a couple inches off the ground.

Virgil imminently lost his intimidating nature when he turned to his small boyfriend. "That's wonderful dear!" Jackie backed off while Virgil was distracted.

"Ahh!" Patton let a small scream escape as he was raised higher.

"Your ok. I'm right here." Virgil held onto Patton's arms as he was pulled past the emo's eye level. Patton was raised to about seven feet before he started moving forward along the runners. Virgil kept his hand on Patton's foot, holding the smaller teen steady. "It's ok angel, I'm right here if you fall." Virgil heard a gasp come from their right.

"Idea, idea! Idea!" Luna was there, practically petting her husband's face in an attempt to get his full attention.

"Did-" Virgil cleared his throat nervously. "Did we do something wrong?"

"Nonononononono, no! If anything you did something right!"

"Oooh! What did we do?" Patton asked as he slowly rotated upside-down when Virgil's grip loosened on his foot. Virgil panicked a bit turning Patton back around.

"Well not much but I have an idea that you two would be perfect for!"

It's still Sunday I promise.

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