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Tw: self deprecating thoughts, unexplained screams, cliffhangers.

Patton's POV

Patton woke up, stretching his arms wide as he yawned. He went to get up but found something stopping him. He looked down to see Virgil, curled up and laying on his chest. Patton had to suppress a squeal at the adorable sight. 'He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, like all his cares have just disappeared.' Patton ran his fingers thru the sleeping boy's hair absent mindedly. He felt like he was forgetting about something. 'Maybe it's the fact that you have a huge crush on Virgil, and he's sleeping on your chest!' 'Probably not Gerald, it seems more important than that.'

Virgil stirred on Patton's lap, snuggling his face into Patton's shirt. 'HE'S SO ADORABLE!' Patton didn't realise he let out a squeal until Virgil yawned, sitting up and dislodging Patton's fingers from his hair. He looked around for a few seconds before bolting up and scooting off of Patton. Patton immediately felt cold where Virgil was been laying on him.

"We b-better go check on Roman and Logan, see that they're ok." Virgil looked away from Patton hiding in his hoodie.

"Oh! That's the important thing I was forgetting about!" Patton tried to brush off the cold feeling, getting up and moving to the door. 'He's absolutely disgusted by you. Didn't you see how fast he got up when he realised he was touching you.' Patton opened the door to his room and couldn't contain his scream.

Roman's POV

Roman woke up to soft humming. The tune was familiar but he didn't know from where. As he sat up a wave at nausea hit him full force, making him dry wretch as there was no food left in his body from earlier.

"Ah. You're awake."

Roman suddenly realised what he was laying on. He jerked himself around to look at Logan but brushed his right arm quite roughly against the covers. Roman winced as pain ricocheted thru his arm.

Logan's calm voice came from behind him once again. "You're arms will be very fragile for a couple of days, you cut them up pretty badly."

Roman turned to face him, taking his time as the world wobbled around him. Logan looked horrible, his hair was messed up, his tie skewed, dark bags had made their home under his dulled hazelnut eyes. 'Even as a sleep deprived mess he's too good for you.'

Roman lowered his head, not making eye contact with the smarter boy. He glared at his hands in his lap refusing to look at Logan. 'He hates you. He just stayed just to make sure you weren't dead.'

"I'm fine, you can leave now." Roman's voice was monotone.

"Why exactly would I leave? You may have slightly recovered physically but you still are quite unstable."

'Unstable. He thinks you're a  psychopath.' "Ha! Like you care. You rejected me you made me do this!"

"Rom-" Logan tried but was cut off.

"Don't 'Roman' me like you're my friend. You probably could care less what happens to me!"

"Please just listen-"

"No! The time for me to listen is over. I stopped listening when you walked out on me! When I offered you my heart and you just left it on the theater floor. Do you know how dirty that floor is?! Especially after a performance!? I've found half eaten suckers just laying under the seats!" Roman paused for a moment.

"Are you done? Or are you going to rant more about how unsanitary the floor of the theater is?" Logan waited for a few seconds but continued when he found no resistance from Roman. "I apologise for walking out like that. As you can probably tell I'm not the most emotionally adept and I didn't think of how my actions would affect you. I needed more time to figure out what my feelings were towards you before I jumped in the deep end as you might say. You see I've never been in a romantic relationship before, you're actually the first person I've ever even had a crush on, and I honestly didn't know what to do."

"Logan, I was worried that you hated me." Logan raised his eyebrow skeptically. "I mean you did just walk out after I was done." Logan nodded but stayed quiet. Silence settled over the couple but after a few minuets Roman broke it. "What.... What did you end up deciding? About-about you're feelings towards me?"

"Hmm, well if you must know then look at you're arms."

Roman was confused. The answer was on his arms? He looked at his bandaged arms, only now realising that they were covered in writing.


Tears gathered in Roman's eyes as he read the uplifting words."Is that really what you think I am?"

"I think your all this and more."

Logan was almost thrown off the bed when Roman tackled him I'm a hug. They sat there in each other's arms until a shrill scream interrupted their bliss.

Virgil's POV

Virgil leaned against the headboard, quietly playing on his phone. Patton tripped in stumbling and almost faceplanting into Virgil. Lucky he caught himself on the headboard.

"Virgil *pant* I've got something really important to tell you." Patton was so close that Virgil could feel each breath on his face.

"Important enough that you had to run all the way over here?" Virgil was surprisingly calm considering the circumstances.

"I- I think I lo-love y-you." Patton stuttered out, leaning even closer.

"Patton." Virgil felt Patton tense up, expecting rejection. "I think I might love you too."

Patton giggled, closing his eyes and leaning forward.....

Before a high pitched squeal broke thru the thin veil of Virgil's sleep.

Virgil yawned, stretching his tired body in the process. 'Why would he dream of something like that? With Patton no less! Patton's just a friend... Isn't he? Well Patton does give the best hugs. And he's so kind and loving and innocent and cute- wait cute? Do I actually have a crush on Patton?'

Virgil opened his eyes observing his surroundings. He had fallen asleep in Logan's bed, but where was Patton? Wasn't he here to? Virgil suddenly noticed that the bed was squishyer than usual. He looked back to see...Patton. He was SITTING on PATTON! He had slept in the same bed as Patton and probably ended up cuddling. Virgil bolted upright, scooting off Patton's lap and hiding his blushing face.

"We b-better go check on Roman and Logan, see that they're ok." Virgil cursed himself for stuttering and his further in his hoodie.

"Oh! That's the important thing I was forgetting about!" Virgil had to hold on a giggle at Patton's silly antics. Virgil didn't even notice that Patton had already left until he heard Patton's high pitched scream from across the hall.

If you didn't know by now I'm evil and no-one can stop me now. School is out and my friends will have to come to my house to murder me. Mwah ha ha ha ha maniacal laughter!

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