Logan's Past

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Do you like my art? Should I start putting some at the beginning of all the chapters?

Tw: death, blood, gore, guns, talk of cheating, arranged marriages,

Logan's Flashback POV

"It all started on Logan's fourth birthday."

"Come out come out wherever you are. I wonder where he's hiding." The curtain was pulled back to expose the little boy. "I found you Logan!" The small child burst into a fit of giggled on being found. "Come on! Mom said we could go out for ice cream!"

Little Logan's eyes widened, a large smile appearing on his face. "Can we go to Mickey's, Dee?" He grabbed Dee's hand, hopping up and down out of excitement.

"Of course Logan, only the best for the birthday boy." Dee picked up the excited child and headed down the stairs. "I'm taking lo out mom. We'll be back before the party."

A middle aged woman came down the hall holding a few envelopes in her hand. "Dee, dear, while you're out can you give these invites to the Morgensterns-" she was cut off by Dee groaning. "You might not like it but Cassie is your fiance and you should treat her as such!"

"I'm fourteen mom, and I don't even like her like that!"

"You don't see Logan complaining about-"

"Logan is three! He doesn't even know what it means when you say that he's Lilly's fiance!"

"I four now!" Logan held up four of his chubby fingers.

"We'll talk about this later. I've got some ice cream to get." With that Dee flipped around, snatching the invites as he stormed out of the door.

Dee let Logan down as they entered the ice cream parlor. He rushed to the counter, standing on his tippy toes to reach the top. The cashier was quick to see them. "Hey logie, you here for a birthday treat!"

"Ice cream! Ice cream!" The toddler chanted.

"I've got the perfect thing!" She started scoping ice cream from one of the bins. "Birthday cake ice cream for the birthday boy." She handed the ice cream across the counter to the energetic little boy. Logan imminently dug in, not caring as he got it all over his face and hands. "What can I get for you Dee?"

"I'm fine Cassie, though some napkins would be appreciated." Dee's voice was flat, disheartened.

"Come on! Live life while you can! Soon your parents will be kicking you out and telling you that YouTube isn't a real job, so enjoy it while you still can spend all their money with no consequences." Cassie wildly motioned with her hands. Dee offered a small half hearted smile but his heterochromic eyes betrayed him. "What's got you down?"

"Its just the arranged marriage thing again. It's stupid."

"Now Dee, it's not that I don't like you, but if you don't mind me cheating then I won't mind you doing the same. I know how you swing and its not like I can grow a-" Dee cut her off, covering Logan's ears.

"Cassidy! Don't defile Logan's young innocent ears with talk like that!" They glared at eachother for a full ten seconds before they burst out laughing.

"So, ice cream?"

"Fine, I'll take some strawberry cheesecake."

"Yes! Being a good salesperson for the win." Cassidy served up Dee's ice cream, waving them out. Dee held Logan's hand as they walked back home. Logan soon saw a squirrel run down an ally between two buildings and chased after it. Dee rolled his eyes but followed the toddler into the darkness.

Suddenly a loud bang echoed thru the ally. Logan covered his ears, whining at the loud sound. Dee rushed forward picking up his younger brother and holding him close to his body. He started speed walking out of the alleyway when a dark figure stepped in front of them. "Now now now, where do you two think you're going? We haven't even had any fun yet!" The dark figure cocked his gun, grinning maniacally.

"Let us go, you big meanie!" Little Logan yelled at the dark figure, clinging to Dee's shirt.

"W-What do you want from us?" Dee hugged Logan just as tightly.

"I have no idea!" The figure stepped into the light, blinking one eye at a time. He was wearing a tattered straight jacket and had a cartoonish mustache.

"What?" Dee took a few steps back.

"I know! I'm so unpredictable even I don't know what I'm gonna do!" The mustached man raised the gun pointing it at the terrified boys. "Have you ever imagined how much it would hurt to get shot. The bullet ripping thru your fragile flesh, shattering any bones that dare to try and stop it."

"Yo- you're demented!" Dee shifted away from the psychopath to better protect Logan.

"Why thank you." He lowered the gun a little before firing off a shot. Dee and Logan screamed as they tumbled to the ground, Dee letting the toddler go as he clutched his side. Logan looked on in horror as blood rushed from in between his brother's fingers. He felt a dark presence behind him. "Isn't it just beautiful. Watching the life blood drain from their body. Do you want to know what that's like?" Logan looked up to see the gun pointed directly at him.

He heard a whisper come from his brother. "Run Logan... Run...." So he did. He ran towards the sunlight as fast as he could, but just as he was stepping back into the sun another shot rang out. Logan's small body was thrown forward by the impact. He scrambled up, excruciating pain spreading from his shoulder. He looked back to see the man approaching him with a unnerving smile on his face. That was all it took to send Logan sprinting off again at full speed, the maniacal laugh of his tormentor following him. He ran and ran. Blood flowed down his back from the bullet wound. He let out a cry of pain as he ran into someone falling flat onto his back.

Cassie turned around when she felt something run into her. She gasped when she saw Logan lying there, a pool of blood slowly spreading out from him. "Logan are you ok?! What happened!? Where's Dee?!?" Logan didn't hear her. All he could hear was that sickening laugh. He bolted back up, sprinting even faster than before. Cassie ran after him, scared for the small boy. When Logan spared a glance back, he didn't see cassie chasing after him, but the man. His eyes grew wide with fear. He veered into the park, managing to wedge himself under the slide before the world faded to black.

I'm PeRfECtLy fINe.

But seriously you should not allow me to wright unsupervised. Things like this happen. Well I hope you enjoyed part one of why Logan is broken.

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