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Tw: mild bullying, panic attack, slightly self deprecating thoughts.


Roman nibbled on the piece of toast as he followed Logan to the front desk. Logan had insisted that they go there after Roman had admitted that he didn't have any time to pack anything. In the frenzy of his friends finding out and getting dragged to this place he had totally forgotten to get any necessities. Logan had assured him that he could get a change of clothes there and call his parents to bring his stuff.

"So how long have you been here?" Roman asked, breaking through the silence that had settled over the pair.

"Well I was checked I when I was 5 and I am now 17 so that would mean-"Logan started before getting interrupted by Roman.

"You've been here for more than 12 years!! How can you stand it. I've been here for less than a day and in already crazier than when I arrived." Roman was flabbergasted, though he now thought he knew why the smart man was so odd. There's no way someone could grow up in a place like this and be normal.

"It grows on you. It would also help if you stopped trying to see the worst in this place" Logan remarked as he drew level with the front desk. "Roman here forgot to pack anything for an extended stay" Logan informed the talkative ladies at the counter, cutting into their conversation.

"You could have let us finn- oh Logan we didn't realise it was you, what's wrong? Is Virgil hurt!?" One of the ladies said looking over at them.

"Calm down Clarita, both me and Virgil are in prime condition, I am just assisting Roman here to get some more suitable clothing."

"Roman? Oh! He must be one of the new arrivals.  Did you hear that there were two just yesterday?" Now turning her attention to her companion.

"I know and these lists gust keep geting longer and longer"

"And they say I'm the one who's too open with information" Logan mumbled under his breath.

They soon got everything squared away and  Roman declined the offer of a new pair of clothes to change into until his parents brought him his bags. He didn't want people to see the cuts on his arms.

"Can you help me with something?" He asked Logan, a devilish thought coming to mind as they walked away from the two chatty women.

"Of course if you need assistance I will be more than happy to help."

"Oh, it's nothing just wanted to..."Roman stopped knowing that Logan would never condone a prank."-perform an experiment"

"An experiment. Is there anyway I may assist in this endeavor" Logan said.

Roman knew that he had phrased it just right that Logan wouldn't suspect anything. It was perfect. That boy is too much of a nerd for his own good.


"I still don't see what this is testing" Logan stated trying to keep the small spider on his hand.

"It'll all be clear soon enough just follow the plan" Roman reassured him ducking behind the curtains.

"And why exactly are you hiding?" Logan questioned as they waited in what was now Roman and Patton's room.

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