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Tw:abusive relationship, suicide

Patton's POV

Patton froze. Virgil was quick to notice his hesitancy. "I said something wrong didn't I, I hit a nerve and now you-"

Patton cut Virgil off. "You did nothing wrong it's just a touchy subject for me. You see I actually got first, and only, boyfriend when I was fourteen. I was an insecure freshman and Dominic took me under his wing. He was only a junior but to my freshman brain that meant he knew everything. We took things pretty fast and before the end of the school year we were official. That summer was when everything changed. He started to get more possessive and to threaten my friends whenever they tried to talk to me. Then one day in June I think he-he-" Patton's voice cracked as he thought back to that day.

'Dominic was staying at Patton's house for one reason or another, when a knock came on the door. It was Hope, one of Patton's closest friends.

"Patton you've got to get out of there! Dominic, he's a madman! Me and Paisley have been trying to warn you ever but since you started dating him but we-"

Hope was cut off as Dominic jerked open the door. She stumbled thru the doorway, her forward momentum bringing her into the foyer. Dominic slammed the door behind her. "Now tell me what you were trying to tell my dear Patton."

Hope froze, backing slowly away. "Let P-Patton go. He's done nothing wrong."

"Really then why would you feel the need to tell me so. If he did nothing wrong then you would not be here." Dominic pinned her against the wall, looking down at her menacingly.

"Y-You know exactly what I'm talking about. I won't let you treat Patton like you treated Jessica." Hope maintained eye contact glaring him down.

"Jessica was an entitled brat who got what she deserved." Dominic spat.

"She may be stuck up but that doesn't mean that you should beat her unconscious."

"Keep talking and maybe I'll give you what you deserve." Dominic highlighted his statement by slamming his fist into the wall beside Hope's head. This shut Hope up. As much as she cared for Patton she didn't want to end up in the hospital herself. "Now you're gonna walk right out that door and never come near Patton ever again. Got it?" Dominic's tone was clear. Disobey me and you'll end up worse than Jessica.

Hope scrambled to the door fumbling with the lock on the way out. Patton emerged from his hiding place beside the stairs.

"Dominic, why did you say those things to Hope? You would never actually hurt anyone, would you?" Dominic whipped around, an unreadable look on his face.

"Patton, dear, she's such a bad influence on you. All the lies she tells, she was just dragging you down. And I took care of that. She won't be lying to you anymore."'

"-Atton, Patton! Are you ok? You just trailed off and I got really worried!" Virgil shook Patton out of his trance.

"Oh I'm fine I was just... remembering.... Where was I? Oh! So he drove all my friends awa-" Patton was cut off by Virgil.

"You just had a flashback of a, no doubt troubling, experience! You don't have to tell me if it's bad enough to do that to you."

"But it IS that bad and that's exactly why my future boyfriend should know about it!"

"Future boyfriend? Fine... if you think it's that important for me to know.... But if this happens again we're done talking about this."

"Anyways he drove all of them away either by rumors or by threats. He even drove my closest friends, Hope and Paisley, away... I honestly don't know how. Hope is a pregnant firecracker. Over the top with everything and constantly switching moods. She would probably have gotten arrested by now except for Paisley calming her down. Dominic wasn't kind, even to me. He constantly put me down. He would hurt me, and those around me, and say that it was my fault. The worst part was I believed him. I was drowning in a sea of my own self loathing and Dominic was the only one around to throw me a life raft. But he didn't. He wasn't a savior come to help me. He was one of the sharks in the water. One day I stopped kicking, I stopped fighting, and I just let myself slip under."

'Patton faked a smile. "I'm gonna be a minute, honey, don't wait up for me." Dominic's only response was a grunt.

As soon as Dominic had left for school Patton ran. He ran and ran until his legs gave way. He peered thru his tears to find himself at the bridge. Maybe this is a sign.... Paton got up, slowly walking to the railing. Last chance to back out. Patton climbed over the railing hanging his feet over the edge. He leaned forward letting go of the railing....'

Patton was jolted back to reality by Virgil's arms gently wrapping around him, pulling him close.

"You ok?" Virgil's voice was quiet and calm. Patton responded by nodding his head against his chest. "So what was that about?"

"I was just....remembering the last time." Patton mumbled into his jacket.

"I just have one question. Did you break up with him?" Patton thought for a second before his eyes widened. "I'm taking that as a no."

"It's just that after I- well I did that I was brought to the station and I haven't seen him since! He's gonna come here and take me back isn't he?"

"Patton if that abusive jerk comes anywhere near you ever again I will punch him so hard he'll travel back in time!" Patton calmed down a little at this.

"Thanks. That really makes me feel better."

Suddenly a knock came on the door. "Is Patton in there there's someone here to see him!"

Did you see the new Sanders sides video! It was wack! A new character and a name reveal! So I have a theory on a side that may be introduced. If you notice towards the end(ish) Logan is about to call Virgil paranoid but stopped himself. Both Virgil and Patton looked panicked. I think that, Logan's opposite side may be something like paranoia. It makes sense since paranoia is an unrealistic distrust of others or a feeling of being persecuted. Key word unrealistic. The others could be nervous that even saying his name would summon him, and that would make sense since Virgil has been summoned before just by being mentioned.

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