Group Therapy (part 2)

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Tw: mentions of suicide and bullying

Virgil's POV

"My name is Patton Sunshine Emotion, and my quirk...well quirks... Are...well firstly there is my aracniphobia, but you guys already know about that....then there's my ADD, but you could probably already tell that, by the way I act....and finally there's my depression and suicidal thought." Virgil looked at Patton in disbelief as he continued talking. "They're the real reason why I'm here. I- I- my friend Terrance caught me... Well saved me after I-I- atte- tried to kill myself." Patton looked down at his hands, ashamed of what he had just admitted.

Virgil felt a wave of firey rage cascade over him. Patton was the most innocent, loving, caring, happy, and over all best person Virgil had ever met. He didn't deserve to feel that way or thoughts like that to ruin his life.

"What!?" Virgil couldn't stop the rage from deeply penetrating his voice.

Patton looked up, tears threatening to flow out of his light blue eyes.
"I knew it! I knew you would reject me for it. Just like they said. Why did I listen to Pancini, why did I tell you."

Virgil's expression morphed from one of anger to one of panic as he realised how what he had just said sounded.

I'm not mad at you Patton, and I'm defiantly not going to stop being your friend over something like that."

"You're not?"

"No, depression isn't something that you can just wish away, and you didn't choose to have it." Virgil paused for a moment, "and it would be sorta hypocritical for me to think of you any differently since it's something I've thought about doing before."

It took Patton and the others several seconds to realise what Virgil was talking about.

Logan was the first to respond. "That actually makes sense."

"You saw that he was suicidal and didn't do anything about it!" Roman's gaze was both incredulous and accusing.

"Of course not I would never think that Virgil was suicidal and probably would never have even suspected it, were it not for this conversation. I was just remarking that it made sense because before Virgil came I was often the roommate to the more, reactive, patients, due to my ability to think rationally in almost any situation."

Virgil turned back towards Patton as he spoke up again.
"Why were you angry then?"

"Patton I was angry because I know how it is, going thru that, and I didn't want to believe that someone like you, someone so bright and innocent, would have to go thru that. I know the feeling, of reaching blindly forward thru the darkness that is your life, trying to find even just a spark of hope, someone to lift you up, convince you that life is worth living, I couldn't imagine even trying to smile or do even a fraction of what you do for others, just to put a little light I their life when yours is so full of darkness. I honestly wish no-one had to go thru that. That's one of the reasons I'm so defensive of the other kids here."

"You guys have defiantly made it easier. Oh I'm so glad for such wonderfulishus friends!" Patton had returned to his usual jubilant self.

"Patton, if you don't mind me asking, why were you so defensive and nervous when talking about your... unusual thought process." Logan asked.

"Unusual thought process?! Logan just say it how it is. Patton was sui-" Roman was cut off by Virgil punching his arm roughly. "WHAT THE FILIPPING HECK WAS THAT FOR!"

Virgil just motioned his head towards the uncomfortable looking Patton.
"Yea pat, why are you so nervous. That's my thing."

"Well after I... Ya know"

"Attempted s-" Roman got another harsh jab from Virgil. "WHAT IS YOUR DEAL!"

"I dunno maybe you being an insensitive idiot's my deal. Anyways Patton please continue."

"Thanks Virge, after, that, I was brought to the police station. They didn't really know what to do with me since my parents were kinda out of town for a business trip."

They didn't even come home when they found out that their son- OW! I WASN'T EVEN GOING OUT SAY THAT. I was going to say 'in the hospital.'" Virgil just shrugged.

"I was at the station andsome middle schoolers came in, got arrested for vapping behind the school or something like that. I tried to be friendly with them and I started talking with them. Pretty soon they asked me 'what I was I for'. I tried to change the subject but they kept pushing. I finally told them and they laughed at me and started calling me the most terrible things, telling me I was worthless and weak and saying things like 'No-one could ever want to be friends with someone like you' and 'It would have been better if the person who saved you never came' so I was worried that you might say the sam-"

Patton was cut off by a tight hug from Virgil. "We would never even imagine saying such things. What they said was wrong. You are unique and beautiful and no-one in the world could ever match your intimate potential." Tears rolled down Virgil's cheeks as he held Patton close.

"You really mean it?" Patton was starting to tear up to.

"Off course, I mean if that had never happened then you would have never met us and for all we know Princy might have never become the slightly acceptable person who is here today."

At this Roman started. "What do you mean 'slightly acceptable'! I am the most acceptable person ever! You would be a fool not to accept me I'm so acceptable."

Patton burst into a fit of giggles. Pancini came back into the room to say that they should clear out for the next group.

The group of misfits walked out together holding each other. Their friendship strengthened by the knowledge that was shared that day.

Yea the ending of this chapter suuuuks but I got exactly 1000 words of just story so yea.

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