Sleep Deprived Theories

433 18 44

Tw: none?

No no-one POV

Pancini allowed the boys to do a sleep over in Patton and Virgil's room on the condition that they 'don't do anything too gay'. He didn't think that it was wise to leave Roman alone with his thoughts.

They started their night off by playing games. This quickly turned to chaos as Roman got super competitive when Patton and Logan kept winning. Virgil was just trying to lose by as much as was humanly possible (he had a total of 37 cards in uno). They decided it was time to go to bed after a particularly eventful game of BS which Virgil won by literally put down his entire deck and a half hand on the pile, saying it was 3 queens. Everyone was too tired to doubt him. They all turned in for the night and were about to fall asleep when Virgil started talking.

"What is life?"

"Virgil it's three in the morning, just go to sleep." Roman's voice was muffled by his pillow.

"But what if we're all just characters, made up to please some strangers, and everything we do doesn't really matter in the end because the author already has a plan set up for us?"

"Noooooo, it's to early for existentialism."

"I didn't know you knew words that sophisticated Patton!"

"I know big words Logan. Don't dought me."

"What if we're just some alien's pets. Like the earth is a giant alien pet store and breeding center and the mirrors are how they adopt us."

"Silly Roman, that's not what the mirrors are for, the mirrors have a completely different purpose."

"Of course, Virgil's... theory. I wondered when that was going to make its appearance."

"Shut it Logan, it's better than yours!"

"My theory is perfectly valid and is supported by known facts of the mirror's behaviors."

"But it's so boring." Virgil drew out the last word in a whine.

"What are your theories, of you don't mind me asking."

"If course not Patton I would be glad to share my hypotheses with you. My theory is that we are some sort of lab rats for a much more advanced race. We could either be a test group, and one of many worlds in which the test is happening, or something, like what Roman was suggesting, where the mirrors are there to take certain individuals away for testing or experimentation."

"I mean, its a good theory, I'll give you that, but there are several things that you fail to address. First of all, your theory doesn't even explain whya all the figures that have been seen thru the mirrors have been human."

"I never said that the advanced race was not human. It is perfectly valid to believe that the scientists are human and the experiment that they are conducting has something to do with a problem, or disease, that only affects our species."

"Fine you can explain that but, what about the fact that whenever there are more than one person, who are seen thru the mirror, they look like they're twins or triplets or whatever."

"Well if the species is advanced enough for inter-dimensional travel cloning is a small feat to achieve."

"And what about the fact that people's faces and bodies change when they go thru."

"There is no tangible proof that that does in fact happen."

"But it happens all the same. You can't deny it."

"Wow, how do you guys know so much about the mirrors?" Patton asked. He and Roman had been gawking for the last couple of minuets as the smarter boys debated.

"Simple, we have way too much free time. So, Virgil, please explain to me what exactly is your fool proof theory that explains ALL the loose ends and scattered data?"

"Well, my theory is that they lead to a different dimension, but not in the way that you think they do. The mirrors don't teleport you to a street or town but inside someone's mind."

"That's preposterous-"

"Your mom's preposterous."

"Ha, ha, very funny. As I was saying your theory doesn't really...make sense. How would you be able to teleport into someone's mind. If that were to happen the side effects would be disastrous I mean even if the subject was as small as it is possible for a human to be in order for them to be able to survive in the mind of another then it will most likely cause severe-"

"I don't mean that they actually teleport into someone's head but into their subconscious. They become the voices in their heads."

"So they become the little devil and angel dudes that sit on the cartoon character's shoulders."

"Yea pat, pretty much."

"AHA!" Everyone jumped as Roman yelled. "I HAVE FOUND A HOLE IN YOUR THEORY! If they are in fact shoulder angel, devil, creatures then there would only be two. You yourself said earlier that there were sometimes two or more figures on the other side of the mirrors! Therefore your theory is false."

"Actually it is more likely that is such personages were to exist then there would be more than two of them. There is often many different options for every choice we make and they cannot be classified always as moral and un-moral options. Is there was only a good personage and a bad personage then the person would be unqualified in decisions that required a logical or creative situation, such as choosing a collage to attend or deciding what color to paint your house. Unless you have a bias towards a particular collage or color then there is no logical way that figures that solely represented the good and bad could make a decision. A better situation would be one personage that represents the right side of the brain and another which represents the left, since the right would deal with the emotions and the left would deal with the facts. Even then there would be decisions which leave each side conflicted. Therefore there is most likely more than two beings to control or influence decisions."

"I have no idea what you just said but I think it was in my favor so, thanks Logan!"

"Welcome, but how do you explain the changing of the features of the said individuals."

"Easy, it's for equality among the different influences."


"Let's say that the host person is homosexual. If one of their personality traits is smoken hot then they're more likely to listen to them. It also probably helps defer the traits falling in love with each other because there's the fact that they all have the exact same face."

"I can see that but how do you explain the fact that people are taken at different stages in their life's?"

"Well... For somethings like if you had a person to oversee romance then they wouldn't have it since they were a baby."

"Ah but the majority of the people taken by the mirrors are not children or infants, even though thenumbers are slightly higher than with other age groups."

"Well it could also be that it depends on the maturity of the person. There are kids who have the logical thinking power or empathy of someone much older and wiser."

"Your theory holds so far, I'm give you that Virgil, but if this is the truth how are the mirrors created? Who is controlling them?"


"That is not a satisfactory answer if you're going to propose such a far-"

"Shh magic. Now go to sleep."

"Virgil, Virgil, yep he's already asleep."

Virgil was in fact dead asleep and the others were soon to follow his example.

What's this, another chapter. Yes, I'm actually being proactive. The main reason is because I already wrote this chapter before I wrote the last chapter so I was like, might as well update twice today.

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