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Trigger warning: talk of Anorexia, cutting, hints of a suicide attempt, general disregard of serious mental issues.


Virgil took his time as he sauntered to the cafeteria. He knew that Logan had saved him a seat. That bookworm was always ten minuets early even to breakfast. As he grabbed some food from the breakfast bar he saw some new faces in the crowd. A sixteen year-old who seamed to be wearing some kind of prince costume and a teen who seemed way to perky to be there.

"What's up with the new kids" Virgil asked Logan as he sat down.

"From what I've observed the one in the costume is anorexic, maybe more"

"And the one with the cardigan wrapped around his neck"

"I haven't got a solid read on him but I believe that one of the reasons he might be here is ADD"

"Hmm, ADD isn't enough to get you booked in here for counseling. So what's the real reason?"

"You can probably just ask him. He's coming this way"

Virgil looked up from his toast to see the chipper young man walking towards them with his plate of food. He quickly hid behind Logan, his anxiety welling up inside him. Logan was quick to notice his dark friend's reluctance and assured Virgil that he could do all the talking.


Patton wandered through the unfamiliar cafeteria making his way through the diverse crowd. As he got his food he noticed two boys about his age sitting at one of tables. He made his way towards them relieved that there were other kids his age here. He hesitated slightly when the boy in the hoodie ducked behind the boy in the tie after looking his way.

What if it is because of me? What if they don't want me to sit by them because I'm not part of their group? What if they're saving those seats for their other friends? These thoughts were still racing through Patton's mind as he reached their table.
"Hey kiddos, mind if I sit here?" Patton internally cringed at his nickname. It was fine for the kids in his school and the kids that he sometimes babysat, they knew him and his quirks, but here he was using it on two kids his age or older. Sometimes he couldn't even believe himself.

"Of course" the one in the tie said, straightening his glasses as the hoodie kid shrunk down even more.

"My name's Patton, I just got checked in yesterday," Patton informed them as he took one of the empty seats.

"Logan, and this is Virgil," Logan said motioning to the teen beside him who at this point was barely more than a puddle of darkness.

"Hi Virgil" Patton said in a somewhat softer voice, gently waving as he turned to see him from behind Logan.

"H-h-hi" Virgil responded in a a small shaky voice, slightly pulling away from Logan.

"So we were wondering, what exactly is so wrong with you that you got checked in here in the first place" Logan asked bluntly, receiving a punch from Virgil."What that is what we were wondering is it not?"

Patton started panicking. What if, when they knew, they look at him differently? Would they still like him and want him to be their friend? Would they say that they wished he had been successful and died like the group of kids that he had met at the police station? Patton was suddenly jerked back to reality by Virgil's voice.

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