Logan's Past (part 2)

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What's this!?! A chapter on a Wednesday?!? Yea it's Gracieapplewrites birthday so I'm giving them a chapter..... You can't give it back.

Tw: mentions of guns, implied torture, mentions of death, major PTSD,

Continued flashback

"-Braun, otherwise known as Dee, has been pronounced dead after an unfortunate incident last Saturday involving the two Braun boys. As you know they were walking back home when they were ambushed. The younger of the Braun boys, four year old Logan Lee Braun, was admitted to the hospital and is in stable condition." Logan's eyes fluttered open on hearing his name. He looked around the white hospital room, spotting the tv in the corner. "Police believe that the attacker was none other than Remus Da Rodent, a patient who escaped from the nearby mental asylum." Logan's eyes widened as they showed a picture of Remus on the screen. It was him! He was going to come back to finish the job!

Cassie woke up when she felt the bed beneath her head shift. She looked up to see little Logan huddled in the farthest corner of the bed, trembling. Cassie cautiously approached the small child. As she got closer she noticed that he was muttering under his breath. "He's gonna come back. He's gonna finish the job. He's gonna make me go to sleep. I don't wanna go to sleep! He'll be able to hurt me more then. I don't want to hurt anymore. He's gonna come back. He's gonna hurt everyone else. I don't want them to hurt." Cassie carefully put one of her hands on his knees. The toddler launched himself into her arms. "I don't want you to sleep too!" Logan cried out, tears bursting from his eyes.

Cassie did her best to comfort the small child, being mindful of the IV drip in his arm. They stayed like that for a while, holding each other on the hospital bed. Logan had stopped crying by the time his mother came in with a police officer. "Well officer, he should be awake by now." Mrs.Braun noticed that Logan was sitting with Cassie almost instantly. "See! Now Logan dear, can you tell the nice man what happened last Saturday?" Logan looked fearfully up at Cassie.

Cassie gave Logan a comforting squeeze, reassuring him that it was safe. "Well me and Dee had just gotten ice cream and I saw a squirrel run in between the buildings. I followed it and Dee followed me. Then there was a loud bang. It hurt my ears. Dee picked me up so I was safer. Then a man  stopped us. He- he-" Logan stopped the memories bombarding him from all sides.

Cassie held him closer. "It's ok logie we're not gonna let anything happen to you. Just keep going. You can do it."

"He threatened u-us and pulled a bang thing on us.  Then he banged Dee and Dee fell. Th-there was so much blood. Then the man came up behind me and asked if I wanted to feel Dee's pain too. Dee told me to run so I did. Then the man banged me too. I kept just running and running." Logan looked like he was on the edge of tears again.

"That's all we need for now. Have a nice day." The officer left, leaving Mrs Braun, Cassie, and Logan alone in the hospital room.

There were a few minuets of silence before Logan asked a question that had been on his mind since he woke up. "Mommy, am I broken?"

Cassie looked at him in horror. "You're not broken Logan you just need some time to cope with all that has happened!"

"But I keep seeing that man."

Mrs Braun cut in, answering Logan's first question. "Yes dear, you are broken. Very broken, but mommy's gonna take you to a place where they're gonna fix you right up."

-Skip to after Logan gets released from the hospital.-

Logan held onto the handle of his suitcase as they walked up to the imposing building. "Will they really fix me?"

His mother was quick to reassure the small child. "Yes dearest, you'll be good as new in no time."

Logan smiled up at her. No more nightmares or bad memories. They entered and walked up to the front desk. "Hello and welcome, how can I help you today!" A chipper young woman sat behind the counter.

"We're here to check Logan in."

Logan tugged the at the bottom of Mr Braun's coat. "Daddy will I get to see Cassie soon?"

"No Logan, you're staying here until you get better." Logan's father pushed him towards the back door that lead deeper into the facility.

"Ok! Right this way well get you situated!" Mr and Mrs Braun attempted to follow but were promptly stopped. "I'm sorry but only patients are allowed past this point!" After a quick goodbye, Logan followed her down the dark hall. The farther they went, the scarier it got. Suddenly a scream reverberated thru the halls. Logan let out a yelp himself and clung to the secretary's leg. The young woman was quick to pry off the petrified child. "Don't worry! It's just one of the patients is having a bad day!" She opened one of the reinforced doors along the hall and pushed Logan in with his suitcase close behind him. "The doctor will be in to see you shortly!" With that she slammed the door leaving the four year old Logan alone. Logan looked around the sparsely furnished room. There was a hard wooden chair in one corner and a old bed in the other. There was also another door but that one was locked too. He left his clothes in the suitcase since there was no drawers to put them in. He unpacked his bedding and made his bed before pulling out the one item that he had left from Dee. It was a yellow stuffed snake, that Dee had won it for him in a carnival game that summer. He held it close to his chest, soaking up the gentle comfort it provided him.

Logan's eyes snapped open when the door started opening. He quickly hid the small plushie. A tall man in a lab coat entered. He brought with him a heavy case and a clipboard. "Hello..." The man looked down at the clipboard. "Logan. My name is Dr Namaken. Are you ready for your session? I'll tell you what to do..." The doctor lifted the heavy case into the wooden chair. "And you'll do it..." He flipped open the case to revel a plethora of sharp objects. "Or else. Now let's get see what we're working with." Logan scooted away from him, terrified. "That's no way to aCT!" Dr Namaken lunged forward tightly pinching Logan's shoulder right were he was shot. The child screamed as pain flooded thru his tiny body. With that pain came memories. He was back there watching Dee bleed. He felt it all, the pain, the loss, the fear, all over again. When he finally broke himself from the nightmare he saw Dr Namaken standing over him. "Now this will be interesting."

-Skip to a little over a year later.-

The door slammed open causing Logan to flinch away violently. A uniformed officer poked their head in. "I need a medic over here!" Logan shrunk into the corner, holding his snake close.

Soon a doctor came in holding his first aid kit. Logan's eyes widened as he attempted to burrow himself further in the corner. The doctor stopped when he saw the small child's fear. "Officer, can you contact the family, I don't think we'll be able to touch him without causing more harm." The officer rushed down the hall to do as the doctor said.

About thirty minuets passed before Logan's parents came thru the door. "Logan, darling, come here, we're here to help you, to make you feel better." Mrs Braun slowly approached her son, keeping her voice quiet as soothing.

"No!" Logan said his first words since he was been found. "You said I was broken! You said they would fix me! I WASN'T BROKEN! THIS IS BROKEN!" Logan collapsed back in on himself, clinging to the dirty yellow snake.

"Here let me try." Cassie pushed her way thru the crowd of officers that were gathering by the doorway. All the other patients had already been evacuated. Cassie crouched down, slowly approaching the shaking boy. "Hey logie." She kept her voice soft, and calming. "Do you remember me logie?"

Logan peaked thru his legs at her. "C- Cassie?"

"Yea, is that the snake Dee got for you? I remember when he won it for you."

"Cassie!" Logan launched himself into her arms. "They- they hurt me. I don't want to be hurt anymore."

"Don't worry logie, I won't let anyone hurt you anymore." Cassie carried Logan out the door, holding him securely against her chest.

I honestly didn't expect Logan's backstory to be this long. I was thinking one, maybe two but here we are on number three with still one more chapter left. Don't worry It's not nearly as angst as the last two.... I think.

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