Logan's past (finale)

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Tw:brief mentions of arranged marriages, and homophobia/ homophobic parents, kissing, isolating oneself to prevent further harm.

Roman's POV

"Then what happened?" Roman sat on the edge of his bed. Virgil had, at some point in his storytelling, enveloped Patton in a protective embrace. Patton was dosing on his chest, having fallen asleep towards the end of the story.

"Well Jackie ended up getting released, and Logan retreated into himself. He couldn't trust anyone so he found companionship in the only thing he knew for a fact would never betray him. Books. I mean Cassie still visits, but she has a pretty busy schedule, so he spent many of his early years alone, which is probably one of the reasons he's so... Confused by other people. I'm the first real friend he's had, besides Cassie and Jackie, and it took us over a year to even trust eachother with even the smallest of secrets." Virgil ran his fingers thru Patton's hair as he spoke.

"Does he trust us?" Roman leaned forward, his hands resting on his knees.

"I honestly think he does. He wouldn't ask me to share something this personal with you if he didn't." Silence descended on the group. Roman relaxed and leaned back onto his bed.

"Do you think that I should go check on him?" Roman looked up after several seconds of silence. He was met with two sleeping boys, Virgil laid down, his hand still fixed in Patton's hair. Roman quietly got up, closing the door as he left the room. He made his way over to the other room knocking lightly on the door before going in. He found Logan sitting on the bed, starring at the snake plushie clenched tightly in his hands. "Logan?"

Logan's head jerked up. "Roman? I assume that you're here to answer some burning questions about my past."

"I'm here to support you Logan. I'm not gonna believe that you weren't at least a little rattled by a strange man coming in and saying he was your brother. I now know how much Dee ment to you." Roman gently placed one of his hands on Logan's.

"Its 'want to' not 'wanna'." Logan slid his hand into his boyfriend's, clenching it tightly.

"That's not really the point."

"It's just.... He looked exactly like I would picture Dee would look now. Same hazelnut hair, same arrogant air, same heterochromic eyes. You know, he was always wary of his yellow eye. It was a birth defect that developed thru trauma in the womb. He could never really see properly from that eye. We used to call it his  snake eye...." There was silence for a long while before Logan continued. "It couldn't have been him... Right? I mean I saw him die..."

"Well you were only four.... And his body was never found..." Roman trailed off.

"No! He couldn't be alive he wouldn't just leave me like that! If he survived He would have come and found me! He wouldn't have let me suffer like I did! He-" Logan turned, coming face to face with Roman. Time stopped as they gazed into eachothers eyes. Neither knew who leaned in first but they were soon locked in a passionate kiss. Fireworks exploded in Roman's mind, the world around them melting away. They finally had to pull back for air. Both had identical, dumbfounded grins on their faces.

Logan's eyes suddenly widened, the love-sick grin sliding off his face as he pushed himself away. "I shouldn't have done that!" Logan muttered under his breath, cracking Roman's heart.

Logan's POV

Logan gazed at Roman, adrenaline rushing thru his system. He suddenly remembered something. 'Lilly' he pushed himself away from Roman even though every molecule in his body was telling him that he needed to be as close to his love as possible. 'I shouldn't have done that, I'm engaged for heaven's sake! It'll never work out!'

"Why not?" Logan could feel the pain in Roman's voice.

"Crap, did I say that out loud." Logan looked down at his snake plushie trying to find the words to salvage his relationship with the fanciful young man. "It's not that I don't like you, it's just that 'this' will never work out."

"Why? Do you not love me? Have I not been doing enough?" Logan tried to hide his tears as he heard the love of his life breaking down into tears.

"Its not anything that either of us could change, its about my parents they-"

"Are they homophobic!" Roman spat out the words as if it were poison.

"No, It's not that it's just I... I kinda have an arranged marriage."


"I had no choice in the matter, and I've been in it for as long as I can remember."

"Why!" Roman sounded almost exited.

"Um, why what? Why do I follow-"

"No! Why did your parents set it up!" The only way to describe Roman now was a puppy, waiting for their owner to throw the ball.

"I believe it was for financial gain and for growth in merging the two companies-" Roman barely let Logan finish before jumping up excitedly.

"This is perfect!" Logan raised an eyebrow, confused by his companions sudden change in mood.

"Why exactly is this good news for you?"

"Come on! I've been holding out on you for so long, but this is getting ridiculous! You have honestly never heard of the Princes before! Not Happily Ever After Studios! Have you never watched the Oscars before!!!" The puzzled look remained on Logan's face.

"I don't do movies or television shows."

"Well obviously! Or you would know about my parents!"

"And your point is?"

"My point!? My point is that my family is raking in billions yearly, and are respected members of the movie making community!" Logan's eyes widened as he finally realised what Roman was getting at.

"So what you're saying is that my parents might allow us to get be together and such if they saw how successful and well funded your parents are?!" Roman nodded his head enthusiastically. "Honestly it would be a mistake to turn down. Free or cheaper sponsorships from respected actors. Connections with the most influential people in the media. ROMAN YOU'RE A GENIUS!" Logan grabbed Roman's face and slammed their lips together.  Roman barely had time to react before Logan was rummaging thru Virgil's bedside cabinet for some paper and a writing utensil. Roman just sat, dumbstruck, as Logan set about devising a foolproof plan to cancel his arranged marriage.

I'm really bad at planning ahead and not procrastinating. For example, one of my best friends TheSongGirl9 starts freaking out if there chapter for the next week is not done. I literally had less than one hundred words at the start of today and half of this done at nine thirty p.m. I have a problem.

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