Crave by @vanterous

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Crave by vanterous
Review by ARILEZX 

Note: This review was written before ARILEZX left Wattpad.


My sincere apologies for being so damn late with your review <3

Title : related to the plot and catchy.

Cover : I like it! It's really attractive and neat!

Description : really intriguing and to the point. 


I found the story to be a bit boring during the absolute starting and in all honesty, I think that's gonna be a major problem for potential readers who might just give up in the few chapters of the book.

You went way deep into describing things that weren't necessary at all which resulted in chapters being dragged on for too long. I'll explain this better.

The flow of the story was strained.

Till the first few chapters, characters were good. Taehyung's character was done amazingly in particular (: 



Crime mixed romance? Sign me up.

Tbh I found no flaws in your plotline. It was pretty much a straightforward plot with an adequate amount of plot twists.

But if I gotta be a little picky, I thought your story was somewhat quite slow in the beginning and to make up for that, you rushed through the last few chapters.

Lemme give you an example. Take your first chapter. And then compare it with the chapter about Taehyung's hearing in court.

In the first chapter, everything was described in a very minute way. Phrases and words were used to keep up the interest of the reader. And it did. To a certain extent it did.

Whereas in the chapter about Taehyung's hearing in court, it was very rushed. For a chapter that is one of the pivotal points of your story, you absolutely failed to do justice to it.

Was Taehyung guilty or not guilty? When the decision of the jury was revealed, it was done so bluntly and it was so abrupt, I nearly skipped that part.


I am gonna be honest with you, your characters during the first half of the book were way better than during the second half of the book.

The impactful characters you'd created earlier were now simply ' two dimensional ' figures, boring and plain to read about.

Especially Taehyung.

It was the same thing as above. You practically exhausted all your writing skills in the first few chapters that by the end of your book, it no longer had that spark to it.



You have the same problem for both so I have the same advice for both.


i) Plan out how you want the story to progress. It will help you avoid an awkward flow of the story.

ii) Plan out your scenes well. Think about how you want the scene to unfold. Jot down spontaneous scenarios. Have a clear idea about the background settings (for e.g- the overall appearance, the mood of the place etc.)

For characters, I suggest you start describing their emotions more than their activities or general descriptions.

I want to know how Taehyung felt when he stood in the witness box. Were his legs shaking? Was he breathing heavily?

I have zero interest in knowing at what distance was his right hand at or the specific way he climbed the stairs.


As harsh as I may sound, I really liked your book <3

It had me on the edge of my seat and I am so gonna binge read your works once school stops being such a pain smh.

You nice, keep going♡

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