The Little Prince by @YOONGBERRY

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The Little Prince by YOONGBERRY
Review by votreame


The cover was plain on its own and didn't explain much about the story. However, I must say, it matched really well with your whole account aesthetic!

I liked the title because it gave me a fairytale and fantasy vibe, so I assumed it was going to be really fluffy and cute.

The description was captivating, especially the ending sentence. It gave the reader a good overview but not too much that it gave away the whole story! A bit sneaky and clever; I was eager to start reading immediately.


Shook! At first, when I started reading, I assumed the story was about Jimin and the narrator was myself/the reader. Though as the chapters progressed I was surprised at who the real protagonist was; an unexpected twist for sure!

And great for those who love VMin interactions! On the other hand, even though the twist was brilliant, there will be some people who choose to click on your story to read about an individual member and this could cause dissatisfaction because they didn't get what they came for, (unfortunately a few minorities are like this). Therefore I think it will be useful if you specify, somehow without ruining the surprise, who the story actually involves.

Onto your writing! It's definitely your strongest attribute, in my opinion. The imagery and creative description allow the reader (although I hate saying this phrase) to create a clear picture of what's happening. You also used a range of vocabulary that made your writing exciting and not boring, cheers to that!

The minimal use of characters was nice; easily distinguishable once they were introduced. Taehyung seemed to be portrayed as demure and a little wary of what he says. And Jimin seemed to be quite frankly a little Prince, in his own right! Although you haven't hit the real plot yet, I'm already loving the slight growth in these characters. Especially Taehyung's since you have written it in a way that we can fully emphasise with him.


Was it relatable, smooth, and realistic?

Definitely! The flow of the story wasn't fast nor was it too slow. Honestly, I think this is actually really hard for anyone, writing a story with short chapters, to achieve because they always have the tendency to skip some parts (because they think it's irrelevant) and jump straight into the plot. Well done for using the right pace.

And considering the events mentioned, I believe it was realistic enough to make a good read; you had me hooked from the first line and I was really impressed. You didn't go over the top with cliché encounters neither did you use overused scenes. Many of your chapters were simple yet capturing. I'm waiting for what you have in store, next.


There's not much to say about this masterpiece rather than an excellent job! I'd just like to advise you to check back through your work because I noticed one or two tense switches (from past to present) and autocorrections (fault of the keyboard).


A writer at heart! You've amazed me and your current readers. I can't thank you enough for allowing me to read such a wonderful piece!

We remind you to credit us, thebtswriters, and your reviewer, votreame, in the description of your story for giving you a review. Thank you for requesting!  

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