You can't have everything by @aarmiy

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You can't have everything by aarmiy
Review by exodaddykokobop


Title- too plain and sort of long. Considering the plot, you could have given it a more edgy title. Try a one-worded title, maybe?

Cover- definitely catchy. I really like the soft tone you used.

Description- had the appropriate amount of bluff. Simply laid out to understand.


The story unfolded off with a good tone. The flow was good too, with a proper explanation for the next paragraph, which was remarkably impressive. Chapters were well woven, only there were too many paragraphs, I felt.

I enjoyed the expressions you used to describe the female protagonist, however, I felt like the usage was excessive in some places.


Writing style-

Beautiful! Simply put, but well explained.

Character development-

As far as I've read, I truly loved the characters. As for Jungkook's character, I really have nothing specific to point. He was simply likeable and at times relatable. The female MC had a good put-together.

The chemistry between them was well blended. Even, Jungkook's relationship with the rest of his friends was well balanced.


A catchy one. There were times I wanted to stop reading- I felt something off at times, true. But there was this attaching factor that refrained me from putting it down entirely.

There was also one area that sort of stood out: Yoongi's conversation with Jungkook. Now, I know that it was necessary to put it out there, but I felt as though their convo just went on without a trace of a gap. Just try breaking the dialogues a bit.


Good usage of terms. There is nothing that could be altered to bring out the clarity more accurately. So, yeah, you did well in that department.


° as for the chapter that spun around Yoongi and Jungkook: just don't put the dialogues in one go. Try to break them.

° usage of expressions is good, however, try not to overuse them.


The story was a good read overall. Just do the necessary corrections, and everything would be fine. You are an impressive writer- keep up the good work!

We remind you to credit us, thebtswriters, and your reviewer, exodaddykokobop, in the description of your story for giving you a review. Thank you for requesting!

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