The Polaroid Album by @LivingReverie

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The Polaroid Album by LivingReverie (Bangtan Writers Awards 2019 winner)
Review by exodaddykokobop


Title: perfection and on point.

Cover: absolutely gorgeous! The only deficiency was the hazy tagline. Just add a darker shade and a broader font and everything will be perfect!

Description: definitely captivating. I liked how you used limited information yet was able to summarize so much about the story! Good job!


Throughout the entire story, I was looking for the slightest mistake to call you out! Thank you for not giving me a chance though.

The consistency of the chapters was fair, well structured and organized. Sufficient information said about each Polaroid was on point- no beating around the bush.

And there was one more aspect that enchanted me was: how you infused the description of nature with the traits of the female MC. It was very impressive.


Writing style-

Ravishing is all I gotta say. Your sentence structure is beautiful, so is your usage of vocabulary to bring forth the clarity and expression of scenarios described and emotions thrown.

Character development-

throughout the entire story (at least as much as I read), I got Alaska vibes emanating from the female protagonist from Looking for Alaska by John Green. I'm not even lying! She was filled with the perfect amount of mystery that is surely to etch into the minds of the readers long after the completion of the book, which eventually would make them wonder who she truly was. I also enjoyed how she was confident about being an enigma, yet she was never arrogant about the prospect.

As for Taehyung, his character was simply likeable, and I truly enjoyed how well he was in possession of his emotions. Perhaps, it was his controlled sentiments what stood the story out from the rest.

Chemistry- now, this, was what I lived for through and through! I liked how the story solely did not unfold around the MCs but also had a relevant say in their friendship with Hoseok. Each character had a role to play, and each one was so accurate! Well done!

Plot- unique, mesmerizing, and perfection. Throughout the entire story, I was looking for a plot hole, I'm not lying! I read each chapter in hopes of stumbling into one misguidance. And now, I feel stupid, and this is not an understatement! I specifically loved the titles of each polaroid, and the story each one has in store for us.


Advice- there is nothing to say at all. Just keep a close eye to punctuation is all.


you are one talented writer. Keep up the work and it'll be about time you'd get the recognition you deserve. Best wishes!

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