Enigma by @parkscript

138 13 2

Enigma by parkscript
Review by exodaddykokobop


title- short and relates well with the story.

cover- eye-catching, neat. the colour composition, too, looked very pleasant, like each component of the cover matched with the other. however, the tagline on the top right corner is quite blurry, and hard to read. so, maybe deepen the font or use a dark outline to make it stand out.

description- informative. however, the third sentence of the first part before the line break seemed a bit unnecessary. also, in the description you've written "agent 47, y/n l/n"- here you really didn't have to write y/n l/n- agent 47 does the work perfectly. i mean, it's obvious who is this agent, but you know, let the readers find out themselves.


your writing is remarkable. your command over the language is very sophisticated and so is your word placement. the flow is good, however, the arrangement seemed a bit abnormal- i'll talk about this in the advice section and tell you why it looked the way it did- no worries.


plot- not every original, but definitely engaging and intriguing. not to be offensive, but there are quite a few books with the same plot-ish- wherein the idol is the recipient of double life and things (not gonna spoil it for the readers, sorry, but you get it, right?). but having similar plots don't make your book stale, what matters is the whole execution of similar stories with your way of telling the tale. you did a pretty well job with it.

characters- carefully defined and well written. the description you provided for each one was very clear. then came their emotions and actions- it was fair as well.

writing style- ravishing and very descriptive. like i stated above, the command you impose over the language is very interesting and your word usage is simply magnificent. your sentence structure is truly beautiful.


° give your characters a name. with all honesty, it's very boring, and a little unrealistic for characters not to have a name. here, physical attributes are a major factor. maybe you'll choose to describe them as per your wish- as a different person entirely- which generally makes the characters unrealistic and there remains nothing of the reader. beside it's not very difficult to come up with a name. so, give the character a name.

° know the difference between single quotation (' ') and double quotations (" "). although in some countries single quotation is put whilst writing dialogue averse to double quotations, but the later is still considered a standard form.a single quotation is commonly used to quote someone's dialogue within the dialogues delivered by the person in charge. for example, "she said 'i wanted this.'"

° do not repeat punctuations. i've mentioned this in my other reviews as well; repeating punctuation is considered unprofessional. unless you're writing your story in a text format, you must use single punctuation.

for example, "what????"- it honestly doesn't make the text look one bit pleasant, if anything, it disrupts the arrangement of the story.

° separate the conversation between the characters. when you are putting an exchange of dialogue between the individuals, be mindful to do so in different paragraphs. if you fail to do so, it makes the whole process of reading heavily confusing, and it in turn, again disrupts the arrangement.


you are a very talented writer with an amazing grip over your language. i truly enjoyed your work. once again, thank you for choosing me to review your work.

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