Han by @saerunkim15

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Han by saerunkim15
Review by exodaddykokobop 


title- intriguing definitely. what i like most about is that it is a single worded title, but instantly draws attention to the book with the ambivalent nature of it.

cover- in love with it! the colour composition is just everything. the soft tones are very pleasing to the eye, not to mention plays a major hand in attracting the audience. however, the only problem i find with the cover is the font-- it's an admirable one, true, but somehow the fonts that notify the readers of the book title being covered by jungkook's head is not exactly a powerful player in the game.

description- if i could score it, i'd most assuredly give it a notch higher than the marking boundary-- its THAT good!


i loved loved loved how you carried a simplistic yet engaging time throughout the story-- it was remarkably impressive. one more thing that struck very amusing was the ease of your vocabulary. the word placement was good too, the snippets of past history top notch. i was amazed by the pace of the story (a smooth one), the emotions you chose for your characters to display, whilst concealing certain aspects to build up sufficient anticipation. well done!


writing style- almost perfection. the way in the rhythm of storytelling is just magnificent.

plot- intriguing, engaging, and has a steady stream of luring in readers with a thrill of getting to know the predicament of the female prospective, Anna. the first chapter hit me with all the feels, and truly, it was so well executed that there was just no room to avoid how the promising whole story would be.

also, one of the other factors that directly had a powerful say was the intricate thread the characters presented were holding onto their relationship with the other, leaving zero room for any plot holes.

characters- simply relatable. if i have to be dead honest about their representation of emotions, therefore, their actions based off their understanding of each situation, was simply perceivable. it got me contemplating one too many times, you know, were i Anna, would have i chosen the things that fell so out of hand any differently? and if so, how would i as a person present in the story would contradict it? her character was carefully moulded, nourished with time and practice to bring her to life.

there was such a complicated sense of sacrifice, understanding, not to mention affection in anna's character, it was hard not to feel one with her, never mind be in her shoes. i just loved her too much. the most praiseworthy aspect though was that how the author had taken their time to define the people around anna (her friends) through her perspective, and how it did not feel biased towards a sole person. she spoke of them justly, measured her concerns towards them with an air of maturity.


honestly, there was nothing-- not even a period-- that was out of place. the only thing you need to fix in the whole book is the fonts of the cover.


you write so beautifully. drawing in sufficient attention towards your characters, the plot your are determined to present, mixed with the perfect placement of dialogues, therefore, display of sentiments in an equal balance is so critical, and i must say this-- you aced it. it was an honour to review such an amazing story. all the best for the future.

We remind you to credit us, thebtswriters, and your reviewer, exodaddykokobop , in the description of your story for giving you a review. Thank you for requesting!

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