"You're so thoughtful. Thank you," Nikita replied. She kissed me, then went to check on a patient. I went to meet Joseph at a restaurant.

I learned that Nikita's loyalty earned my respect. I never worried about her cheating on me. I got lucky, considering my past. All it takes is meeting the right person to be faithful.

I walked into the restaurant and joined Joseph at a table. I ordered and we talked.

"How's Nikita?" Joseph asked.

"Starved. The hospital is busy and Nikita doesn't get a chance to eat," I answered.

"You surprise me, Carri," Joseph mentioned.

"How so?" I asked.

"You grew up and stop disregarding people," Joseph replied. I knew he is referring to Gloria.

"Because everyone was right. I didn't want to see it," I said. I hated discussing the past. I wasn't proud of it or my reckless behavior.

"We all learn from the past or we're doomed to repeat it," Joseph reasoned.

"Well, it's over and I moved on in my life," I added, wanting to drop the subject.

The problem is my past will smack me in the face when I least expected it as I came face to face with it, literally.

While Joseph and I enjoyed dinner, Mason paid a visit to Marty Frazier. Two armed men accompanied Mason. He didn't take chances when it came to anyone, including the Frazier boys.

Mason entered Marty's office and sat down as his men stood by the door. Marty looked at Mason, unenthused.

"What do I owe to this visit?" Marty asked, irritation plausible in his voice.

"It seems your brother is making deals with my family and you have your hand in it," Mason said, getting to the point.

"I don't know what you're talking about Mason," Marty replied, feigning ignorance.

"Cut the bullshit, Marty. I know your family. Your family is planning something against mine. Too bad your brother changes your plans," Mason informed Marty as Marty's expression changed. "Yeah, I figured much that you didn't know."

Marty's expression changed to fury.

"You touch my family and I will put you down like the dog you are. Consider that a warning," Mason said, standing up and leaving the office.

The truth is Mason wanted to rattle Marty enough to do what he planned. He wanted the boy knowing he's blood, but didn't know who the boy belonged to for certain. Mason suspected, but needed confirmation. That set in motion of bringing particular people to Saintwood including Greg Hartley and Frank Shaw.

How do you draw your enemy out? You keep the enemy close to watch them.

Mason left the building and got into the backseat of a car as Charles sat there.

"Well," Charles asked.

"Marty took the bait. Now, we wait," Mason answered.

"What about Frank and Greg?" Charles questioned.

"Frank's careless and will follow. I will take care of Greg," Mason said as Charles looked at him.

Mason is bright and had plans of his own. He knew no matter what you planned, things change. Charles is more concerned about Greg Hartley than Frank Shaw and that made Mason wonder why?

What did our idiot brother do that involved Greg Hartley? We would find out when Greg arrived in town.

Mason and Charles left with Hunter driving.

"Hunter contact my brothers when we return," Mason ordered Hunter.

"Yes, Mr. Mason," Hunter said.

Hunter Michels is a kid that Mason found on the streets. Mason saw potential and took Hunter in thanks to Luci who ordered Mason to take Hunter. You got to love an Italian woman who yells at you in Italian. I think Mason didn't want to get a scolding from Luci.

Mason trained Hunter. Hunter in return trained Cole and Dean and handled things for Mason. Hunter's loyalty was like no other. Someone rescuing you from the streets will earn your loyalty.

While Mason and Charles went back to Mason's house, Marty and Mateo paid Maurice a visit, except Maurice wasn't home. He and Gloria were out, leaving their son home, alone.


I came downstairs to see my uncles standing in my living room.

"Where's your dad?" Marty asked.

"Dad and Mom went out," I said, shrugging.

"When will they be back?" Mateo asked.

"Beats me," I answered, passing Mateo off. Yeah, I hated my uncles. They're assholes. I hated their kids, even more, especially Mario.

Mateo walked over to me, pulling a gun and placing it to my forehead.

"Watch your tone, you disrespectful shit. Your dad isn't high on my priority," Mateo threatened.

I looked at Mateo, not flinching.

Mom and Dad came home, finding my uncles standing there. Mateo lowered his gun and put it away.

"What are you doing here?" Dad asked my uncles.

"We came to have a word with you," Marty asked.

"Gloria take the boy into the kitchen," Dad ordered. Mom escorted me out of the room. It didn't matter, my dad never called me by my name. He always called me boy. Yeah, I hated my dad.

"Mason visited me, telling me you made a deal with his brother," Marty mentioned. Dad said nothing.

"Bad move on your part," Mateo added.

"Since you enjoy betraying us, you will bring the boy to me tomorrow or I will kill you," Marty warned.

Marty and Mateo walked past Dad.

"Don't fuck this up Maurice," Mateo warned as he and Marty left.

Mom and I came out of the kitchen as we heard the car leave.

"Get packed. We're leaving," Dad ordered us.

We stood there, confused.

"And go where?" Mom asked.

Dad looked at her. "Saintwood. It's time to cash in on an offer," Dad said, going upstairs.

What offers and why Saintwood? I didn't understand any of it. Great, another school with assholes to deal with again. It's not like I didn't deal with them at my current school along with my sperm donor, fml. Plus, I didn't tell my mom that the school is getting ready to expel me for breaking into my school record. Yeah, I didn't need anymore lies.

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