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I was still annoyed, it had been a week and I was still annoyed. I had been avoiding Hisashi since I heard what he said but I was unsure how much longer I could get away with it. Leiya knew what he has said because of course I'd told her so she'd been helping. Elijah had not.

Sitting down at the table next to Leiya, I saw Hisashi and Elijah making their way towards us.

"Looks like it's going to be time for me to leave again in a second." I said watching as they got closer and closer.

She nodded but then turned to me. "Mei, you know I fully respect your cause but do you really think you can avoid him forever?"

"I can bloody well try." I got up, popping my sandwich back in my bag as they were almost at the table.

"Aw, come on, Mei, where do you think you're off to now?" Elijah piped up. "We've not seen you all week."

"Yeah, and I need to speak to you anyway." Hisashi added.

"Well, what if I don't want to speak to you?" I folded by arms across my chest, creating a barrier from him but challenging him at the same time.

"Don't be ridiculous, come on, it looks like we need a chat." He walked over to me placing his hand on my back, guiding me out of the cafeteria. I flinched in response to him touching me but didn't move away to stop him.

Once we were out into the hall, he turned to face me, looking as serious as I'd ever seen him.

"Why are you annoyed at me?"

"I'm not annoyed at you." I could feel his eyes on me but I refused to meet them with my own, my hands still crossed against my chest.

"No, don't lie to me. You've been avoiding me. Tell me why."

"No." I still wasn't looking at him.

"You know what, I was actually going to ask you out but your making this kind of difficult." He chuckled. This did make me look up, glaring at him. I think he must of been trying to lighten the mood or make a joke or something but it just ended up making me even more angry.

"What, did you finally decide I'd be useful enough?"

"What are you on about?"

Suddenly, his expression changed into realisation as it dawned on him what I was reffering to. "Shit," he muttered under his breath.

I shook my head in dispite, it was almost comical how this was happening. He could've just asked me out after I told him I wasn't with Xander and that would've been that but no he had to go and fuck it up first.

"I'm so sorry. You I didn't mean that, right?" He tried to reach out for me and this time I did move away.

"If you didn't mean it, why did you say it?" His hand dropped back to his side.

"You know what it's like, just boy talk, init."

"It doesn't matter, it's still sexist and making it like I'm some kind of object that's here for you to play with. I'm not a fucking toy." I was so angry, I thought my head might expload. I wanted to slap him.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry, please let me fix this, I really like you."

"You honestly think I'd go out with you now?"

He shook his head. "I don't know, not right now, obviously. But like we could just see how it goes and I'd try and prove to you that I'm not like that."

"I'll tell you what, you prove to me that 'you're not like that,'" I said, making air quotes around the last part. "And then, we can 'see how it goes.'" I made air quotes again. "Oh, and that is if I even still like you." I added.

He grinned. "So you do like me?"

I scowled at him back. "I don't know, the feelings are fading pretty fast. Anyway, are we done here? I want lunch."

"Yeah, that's all I wanted to say."

I nodded and we walked back to the table together in silence, me a pase ahead of him the whole way.

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