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Slipping into a skin tight dress, I prepared for yet another party. It was the first week of Easter, so of course someone had decided to have a party to start it off "right". Part of me was unsure why I was even going in the first place, I had mocks and AS to revise for.

Nevertheless, I went to my mirror to put some makeup on, to continue to get ready. Leiya had convinced me to go, saying a sesh was good for the soul. And since the last party, I discovered the power of getting drunk. Leiya was going to let me stay at hers so I didn't have to worry about my mum finding out, saying it was going to make my grades even worse than they already were. It's not like was wrong, but I already knew. I just didn't care.

Lining my fake lashes with glue, I got my tweezers out to attempt to put them on. Leiya had been teaching me how and we'd bought some together the last time we went to Primark.

I stuck them on, pressing the lash to my inner corner before my outer corner, trying to stick them as close to my lash line as possible. When I looked at the final product, it wasn't perfect but I was hoping no one would notice.

Then I got up the bus times up on my phone, quickly scrolling down to see how much time I had left.

4 minutes.

Slipping on some heeled boots and grabbing my bag, I rushed off to get the bus.


Three ciders down and I could feel the alcohol starting to go to my head. Leiya and I were on the dance floor living our best lives, the flashing lights most-likely making us feel more drunk than we actually were.

We hadn't seen the boys yet, but I didn't mind, I was done with Hisashi. I wasn't over him but I was done with him, no longer prepared to deal with all the stress he was giving me. He acted like he liked me then said he wanted to shag almost every girl in school.

Tonight was about me. I just wanted to have fun with Leiya and forget about all the trouble boys had caused me in the last few months.

"Let's do shots!" Leiya screamed in my ear so she could be heard over the music that was pounding all around us.

I nodded my head, like an excited puppy who had just been offered a treat.

She grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the kitchen where all the alcohol was being kept.

Grabbing a shot glass for each of us, I held them out so Leiya could pour the vodka into them for us.

We downed them before doing two more, giggling as we drank.

I put the shot glass down and giggled some more as the kitchen swayed around me, clinging onto Leiya for support.

Linking arms, we stumbled our way back to the dance floor but on our way back, we bumped into the boys. And I mean literally. My head went head first into Hisashi's chest.

Taking a step back, I looked up in confusion as to what my head had just bumped into. I frowned.

The side of his mouth quipped up into a smirk as he looked me up and down, his shoulders bouncing up and down slightly in a laugh.

"You okay there?" He reached out to put his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to steady me but I swerved him, my frown deepening.

"Fuck off, Hisashi." I tried to move around him, pulling Leiya along with me put he stepped in my way.

"Okay," He slipped his arm around mine, "we're going for a chat," and he pulled me away despite my protests, leaving Elijah and Leiya behind us.

He directed me towards the nearest room, pulling me inside it and shutting the door behind us.

"What's going on?" He stood in front of the door as I continued to get around him. He smelled like alcohol but I couldn't tell if he'd drank much or not. However, he was definitely more sober than me.

"Nothing." I continued trying to get around him to the door. He ended up dragging me to the bathroom. Someone will need the toilet and save me, I thought to myself, giving up as he directed me further into the bathroom. I kept taking steps back as he moved closer towards me.

"Well, clearly something's bothering you." The side of the bathtub hit against my legs and I fell down against it, the alcohol making me more unstable than usual. He sat down next to me.

"Can you just leave me alone." I stood up then looked back at him. "I don't want to speak to you."

He grabbed my hand to stop me from leaving. "Tell me why you're annoyed at me and then I'll leave you alone."

"You're annoying." I giggled, sitting back down again, still holding his hand.

"Tell me." He said, bumping his shoulder against mine.

"You're so mean and stressful."


I turned my head, looking up at him. "You're mean to me, you never say anything nice."

"Yeah, but I'm only teasing you." He turned his head towards mine and suddenly I was aware of how close we were sitting. Our faces were inches apart. My breathing became shallow.

"It makes me sad." I lowered my gaze.

"You make me crazy." I lifted my gaze back up to his, he was still staring down at me.

"What?" My voice came out faint.

I knew it was going to happen before it did.

He leaned into to me until his lips were pressed against mine and we were kissing.

Suddenly, the door to the bathroom burst open and Hisashi and I split apart.

"Ahhh, it's Mei." Leiya tumbled into the room, dragging out the end of my name in a child-like manner. Elijah was behind her sniggering, a girl wrapped under his arm.

"No one look!" She shouted as she whipped her skirt up and went for a piss.

I giggled, dropping my head into the crook of Hisashi's neck.

When she'd done, she wobbled over and grabbed my arm. I almost fell over as I got up, the spinning too much for my head.

She began to drag me out of the bathroom and I looked back at Hisashi as our hands finally detached.

The Diary Of A Teenage Girl [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now