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It had been ages since the kiss and since I'd seen Hisashi. I hadn't actually seen him since the party, I had been away most of Easter and when I wasn't I had been working. We'd talked here and there over Snapchat and text but we had avoided all talk about what happened that night and what it meant, but I was determined to finally talk to him about it. I was done with it fucking about with my head.

I walked into the cafeteria, hoping I could pull Hisashi aside for a chat.

When I approached I could hear him and Elijah at the table engaged in some boys talk.

"Elijah, that girl you smashed at that party was well fit."

I cringed at his words.

Leiya was at the table as well and I watched as she rolled her eyes, sharing her mood.

"You wanna set me up once you've finished with her?" He added. My heart sunk. Maybe he didn't even remember kissing me, but I hadn't thought he'd been that drunk.

"Alright," Leiya chimed in. "That's enough. We aren't just toys to be passed around you know."

I finally arrived at the table but I didn't sit down. I really need to talk to Hisashi, I had food in my bag that I could eat later.

"You alright?" Leiya asked, probably confused as to why I was still standing.

"Yeah, but Hisashi, I need to speak to you. Privately."

He looked around at the others before getting up. Leiya and Elijah shared a look, like they knew something, which I suspected they did. I'd hinted to Leiya that something had happened and I'm sure Hisashi would have said something to Elijah, not that I'd want him to most likely if he did it would have been something like: "Yeah, Elijah, I totally almost smashed Mei at that party. If you and Leiya hadn't walked in I definitely would've banged her."

God, he was such a jerk.

I turned around and started walking out of the cafeteria, expecting him to follow, there was no way I wanted to have the chat where anyone could potentially hear. Me and Hisashi arguing about him kissing me would be hot gossip even if I wasn't. My aim was always to stay out of the limelight of Sixth Form.

"What the fuck is going on?" I asked, as soon as we were out of earshot of any prying ears.

"What do you mean?" He replied, feigning innocence.

"You know what I mean."

"I think I'm going to need to be more specific." He moved in closer to me, lowering his voice.

"You kissed me." I said, accusatory, stepping away from him a little. I didn't have the energy to beat around the bush anymore.

"So?" He took a step back as well.

"So?" I was exasperated.

"It was just a kiss, Mei, people kiss all the time. And don't worry, I don't think Xander will mind. After all, it was me who kissed you." He said it so flippantly his exact words almost went right over my head.

"What? Xander? Why the fuck would he care?" I was even more exasperated now, what on earth was he on about.

His expression flickered into confusion. "Isn't he your boyfriend?"

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "No, Hisashi, no he's not my fucking boyfriend."

"Oh," was all he said.

Then the bell sounded.

"I guess that's our queue to get to maths then." He said gesturing down the corridor to where the classroom was.

I nodded, knowing that there was never going to be an ending to our conversation. I was over it and if he was going to continue to behave this way I would soon be over him too.

We walked side by side until we got to maths and he went to sit with Elijah and I to Leiya.

I could hear him and Elijah whispering behind me and I tried not to take any notice, I didn't want to know what they were saying. I was intrigued but I knew I was better of if I didn't know, the unknown couldn't hurt me.

The teacher was talking anyway, and I was trying my best to focus on what she was saying, I needed to get my grades up if I wanted to be able to go to university.

"So, what was that about?" Leiya asked when the teacher set us off to work.

"You remember the party? Well he kissed me. That was me trying to ask him why."

"Ooo," she leaned in closer to me so we could talk quieter. "What did he say?"

"He asked me if I was dating Xander and then when I said I wasn't he said 'oh' fucking oh!"

She put her forefinger to her lips in a shushing motion as I started to raise my voice in frustration.

"Why the fuck did he think you were with Xander?"

"My thoughts exactly." I looked over my shoulder at him, flicking my eyes back away when his eyes caught mine. Why did he have to be so attractive? "Like, surely, since we're supposed to be friends, he should know me better than that."

"I don't know, he's well odd."

Suddenly, my curiosity got the better of me and I started listening to their conversations, thinking maybe I could figure out why he seemed to think me and Xander were together.

"Well," Elijah said. "What do you think you're going to do then?"

Hisashi sighed. "I don't know, if she's not going out with Xander then maybe I'd asked her out." My heart leapt into my throat, this is what I'd been dreaming of.

"But," he said, I could feel my heart pattering in my chest as I waited for what he was to say next. "She seems like a bit of a prude, to be fair. I doubt she did much with Xander. I don't know if she'd be of much use."

I felt like I was going to be sick. Sneaking a look over to Leiya, I scanned to see any difference in her facial expression, wondering if she'd just heard what he had said as well. She was engrossed in the maths problems our teacher had set us to do. I'll tell her later, I thought.

Was that all boys thought we were good for? I wondered. Did they all just think we were only good for sex? I didn't know anymore. Suddenly, I started to wish I was gay like Leiya, then I wouldn't have to face any problems with boys anymore.

The Diary Of A Teenage Girl [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu