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It was the week after the party and everyone was talking about everything that had gone off, specifically the fight.

People kept whispering and looking at me as I made my way to my first lesson. It wasn't something I was used to, normally I was pretty invisible. But I guess that was before a fight had broken out over me. I didn't know how I felt about it, it was almost cool that two boys had had a fight about me but it was also nerving. I didn't like fights, even less so now.

When I got to the classroom, I looked around, really hoping Leiya was there, I needed to speak to her about everything, but I had an awful feeling she wouldn't be. I hadn't really heard from her since the party, only the odd text every now and then.

She wasn't there. And once again I was left feeling helpless, not knowing where to sit, like when Xander and I had just broken up.

I scanned around the room again, looking for any empty space, preferably not next to anyone, very aware I had been standing at the entrance to the room for way too long. Then I noticed Hisashi staring at me. As soon as our eyes locked he sent me a grin and gestured to the seat next to him.

Cautiously, I went over and sat down next to him. I'd never really spent much time with him without Leiya there. It felt weird but I knew it shouldn't be, we were friends, friends were allowed to sit next to each other in class.

"You know where Leiya is?" He leaned closer, so he could keep his voice quiet while the teacher was talking.

I shook my head. "Haven't really spoken to her since the party."

His eyebrows furrowed. "Neither, do you think she's okay?"

"I have no idea." She'd seemed okay over text when she had spoken to me but it wasn't like her to not be on her phone. I'd probably call her after school, just to check in.

We then settled down into a silence, focusing on what the teacher was saying. A-levels were hard and I was failing, all the shit going off wasn't making anything any easier so I really needed to try and concentrate where possible. Life was distracting me enough at home, I had to make sure it didn't distract me at school.

When the teacher stopped talking, though, Hisashi started speaking again.

"How are you, by the way, it was pretty shit what happened."

I looked over at him, caught off guard. No one had asked me how I was feeling other than the girl at the party - Reina.

"Pretty stupid, if I'm honest, I should've known he was an asshole."

"Some boys are good at hiding it."

He was right. Aiden had been kind of good at hiding it. He'd been leading me on the entire time, making me think that he liked me, only to throw everything in my face when I told him that I liked him.

There were obvious signs that he was an asshole, though. Vivi had bitched about him for weeks but I assumed she was just pissed that he rejected her or something. It was kind of protocol for Vivi, talk to a boy for a month, break things off, bitch about him. Maybe they all were just assholes.

I started to feel incredibly sorry for her, like I had already been feeling sorry for her but it was intensifying. She was dating a complete asshole who'd pretty much sexually assaulted me. And all the boys before had been assholes.

It made me feel lucky that I'd been able to escape from it myself. Most girls were like Vivi and had the same problems with boys. I could imagine almost any other girl would've actually just gone with Aiden and accepted it. Maybe I was wrong but I didn't think I was. But even if those girls were fewer than I thought I was still glad I wasn't one of them. I never wanted to be the kind of girl who just let boys walk all over me because they were boys and I was a girl.


When I got home, I quickly sent a text to Leiya, telling her I was going to call her in a bit. I was starting to get worried. It wasn't like her to be awol from her phone.

After kicking off my shoes, I ran upstairs to my bedroom, so ready just to climb into bed.

I snuggled down, pulling the duvet high over my head, and hit call on Leiya's number.

"Hey babe," I said when she picked up.

"Hi," she replied before coughing. Her voice was croaky, resembling the voice of someone who's smoked five packs a day for the last couple of years.

"Are you okay? No one's really heard from you since the party." I knew she wasn't okay, clearly she had some sort of bug, but I still wanted to know if maybe something else was going on. I've always been a bit of a worrier.

"Yeah, yeah, just caught a really bad cold, you know? I'll probably be back at school tomorrow." She coughed again and my heart ached for her, she sounded so ill. I decided I'd try to cheer her up.

"So..." I said, trying to come up with things to talk about, "what's your thoughts on the fight then?"

"Ohh, complete load of bullshit. Aiden is a complete twat who wants everyone and everything, and Hisashi just wants to pretend he's prince charming so everyone loves him."

Wow. Leiya rarely gave too much opinion but when she did she went for it and didn't hold back, especially about people who hurt her and her friends but Hisashi was her best friend. I was confused as to why she thought he was a dick as well.

"Is Hisashi not your best friend anymore then?" I asked, laughing in confusion.

"Well yeah, but still. He can be an attention whore sometimes."

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