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♪Carousel - Melanie Martinez♪

Slipping on a black dress, I watched myself in my mirror opposite me. My waist looked tiny compared to my hips in the tight dress and my boobs looked huge. I'd always thought myself of having an average figure. Average sized waist. average height, average bra size. Average, average, average. It made me hate the word. I didn't want to be average. It meant I was the same as the people who had bullied me for being different. Ironic, I know.

This dress made me feel like I was different. Sexier, more confident than them and not clumsy.

I was going to be a witch for Halloween. Vivi had convinced me.

"It's Halloween," she'd said. "Everyone will be dressed like sluts."

As I looked in the mirror, I wondered if all the girls would actually be dressed like that then remembered what teenage girls are like. of course the majority of girls would be dressing like slags. That was the general way girls liked to attract boys and, to be honest, it worked, with most boys.

I moved closer to the mirror to put some makeup on. First, I put on some eyeshadow, sweeping black along my creese then patted on a red shimmer to create witchy vibes. I put mascara on and shaped my eyebrows before putting on some red lipstick. Vivi'd told me to go full out and wear eyeliner but fine motor skills were not my strong point; I wasn't really in the mood to mess up my face. Makeup had never really been a favourite thing of mine anyway. It was fun to put on but wasn't worth the clogged pores and unnecessary spots.

Just then, I heard a buzz come from my bed and I walked over to check it. I've got a text from Nora. Despite not being one hundred percent over what happened, Vivi demanded we all go to the party together and, since Nora lives a five-minute walk away, we agreed my mum would drive us both and pick Vivi up on the way. What a treat this was going to be.

I plodded downstairs, picking up a bag and some heels on the way, and went to meet Nora by the door.

I opened the door for her after putting my phone and purse down.

"Hiya," I said. She was wearing a tight black dress as well. Vivi had had the amazing idea we all go as a set of three witches. It hugged her petite figure accentuating the curve between her waist and hips but make her boobs look smaller than they actually were. She'd gone full winged eyeliner and wore a witches hat to top off the look. She held a different witches hat out for me so I could wear one as well. I was responsible for lifts; Nora was responsible for hats; Vivi, well, I wasn't quite sure what she was responsible for, something to do with organising what Nora and I were responsible for.

"Hey." She stepped inside and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back, awkwardly, trying not to accidentally hit her with the shoes I was still holding.

When the hug ended, I took the hat, putting it on over my hair that I had curled earlier, hoping it wouldn't ruin them. Curls never seemed to stay in my hair so anything could potentially make them fall out even quicker scared me, especially when it took two hours to curl my hair. Then, I bent down to slip my shoes on.

"Mum!" I shouted once I'd stood up again. "We're ready to go."

She walked out of the kitchen, proving my shouting unnecessary.

"Come on, then, girls." She smiled at us both before ushering us out to the car.

Nora and I got in the back then sat in silence all the way to Vivi's house.

It wasn't a long journey so, about ten minutes later, we pulled up to a huge house. Surrounding the house was a fence with big black gates where Vivi's mum buzzed us in. As we drove up the cobbled drive, the familiar building looked ever bigger and fancier. It'd looked even nicer than the last time I'd seen it if that was even possible. The exterior walls were painted beige and the house opened with a large porch leading up to a double mahogany door which contrasted nicely with the pale walls. The house was lined with big windows, a yellow gleam shining through them from the lights that lit it inside.

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