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"So, you're not going to Vivi's party tonight then, I'm guessing?" Leiya said, while we walked to our lunch table, carrying our trays.

"Well, a week ago I would have said 'fuck no' but she uninvited me so, yeah I am gonna go. Purely to piss her off." I sounded like a bitch. I was being a bitch. 6th form wasn't supposed to be the years where you purposely stirred up shit. That was year 10 and 11. But I felt like being petty. I felt like I was entitled to a bit of pettiness after this. I mean she's the one who declared this war.

You don't kiss your best-friend's crush and expect her to be okay with it.

"Please tell me you're not planning on starting shit at this party?" Leiya looked over at me as we both put our trays down at the table.

"You talking about Vivi's party?" Hisashi, who had already been sat at the table, asked, joining in on our conversation.

Leiya ignored him and continued to look at me, waiting for me to answer.

"No. I'm not planning on starting shit. I just want to go. Is that okay with you?" I stared at her back, challenging her to tell me not to go. She didn't, she just nodded her head and started to eat her food.

"Is this Vivi's party?" Hisashi chimed in again, annoyed that he'd been ignored.

I sighed then answered him. "Yes, it's Vivi's party."

"Cool, so we crashing it then?" He looked like a little puppy who'd just been offered a bone to chew.

"Yeah, I guess we are."


I got my dresses out, evaluating which one I should wear. Usually, I would have planned my outfits nights before so I was prepared for the event but because I'd pretty much decided to go on the spur of the moment I hadn't had time to pick out an outfit.

They were both typical houseparty dresses - short and bodycon - but one was red with a low back but a high-neck. The other was just black and strapless. I was leaning towards the red one purely because last time I went to a party I wore a black dress. Even though that was months ago now. Last time I went to a party Xander and I still hadn't even gotten together.

Staring at them both, my eyes run over the different fabrics. I felt more drawn to the red one. Black felt so typical and I wanted to stand out.

I put on the red dress, watching myself in my full length mirror as I did, watching as the dress stretched over my curves and hugged them.

Zipping up the back, I admired myself. Wearing dresses made me feel good. They were supposed to make me feel like a slut, too sexy, too short. But they never did. They made me feel confident, not like my awkward-self. They made me feel like I could do anything.

I went and put makeup on then thought about curling my hair. I couldn't really be bothered, it was so much effort to just have curly hair for a few hours and I could never curl it very well for fear I might burn myself.

In the end, I just went downstairs and put on my converse before shouting to my mum I was going out. Not waiting for her response. I was going to get the bus to Vivi's. That way mum couldn't lecture me about drinking or make me promise I wouldn't. I hadn't checked if I could go and I was going to stay at Leiya's afterwards so if I wanted to get pissed I could. And boy was I planning to. Mum didn't need to know. It's not like I was going to do drugs or anything, not like most of the other teenagers at sixth form did.

Leiya had texted me telling me she was already on the bus. She lived further away than me so she had to get on a few stops before. I would meet her on there.

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